pre-filled forms sent by the CAF from 2024, announces the Minister of Solidarity

by time news

The CAF “will specify, according to their known situation, the services to which these people are entitled”, explains Jean-Christophe Combe.

The government is continuing its fight against the non-use of social benefits. From 2024, eligible French people will receive pre-filled forms, announcement to echoes this Wednesday the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities Jean-Christophe Combe.

«From 2024, the Family Allowance Funds (CAF) will automatically send pre-filled forms for requests concerning the RSA, the activity bonus or other, as is the case for the pre-filled tax declaration“Explains the former boss of the French Red Cross in an interview with the economic daily.

«They will specify, according to their known situation, the benefits to which these people are entitled.“, he adds, specifying that “you will still have to request it, but it will be much simpler“. The stated objective was to reducenon-recourse related to ignorance of rights, but also fraud and undue».

“Solidarity at the source” tested from 2023

The non-use of social aid and benefits remains a real problem. The Drees, the statistical service of the health and social ministries, recognized in 2020 in a study on the subject that the phenomenon seemed “far from being marginal for many benefits and in particular for various social minima, benefits targeted at people with the lowest incomes“. Concerning the RSA, for example, the DREES noted last February: “In 2018, a third (34%) of households eligible for the RSA would be non-recipients each quarter, and one in five (20%) would be so for three consecutive quarters.»

Jean-Christophe Combe presents this measure as a preamble before the establishment of “solidarity at the source”, Emmanuel Macron’s great campaign promise. The Minister for Solidarity confirms to echoes experimentation from 2023 “in about ten departments of “zero non-recourse” territories“. The automatic payment of social benefits will be tested there, initially only for the RSA, the activity bonus and the APL. The objective is to generalize the system in 2024.

SEE ALSO – Energy: the government “is working on aid of 100 to 200 euros for half of oil-fired households, in addition to the energy check”, announces Gabriel Attal

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