“Pregnant, I panicked at the thought of having a boy”

by time news

2023-10-21 18:00:09
In Alassio (Italy), in 2016. Image taken from the series “Linea alba”, by the photographer Bea De Giacomo. BEA DE GIACOMO

Valentin (all witnesses requested anonymity) “always wanted” being a father of a little girl. He can’t really say why, except that he grew up surrounded by a sister and five cousins, whom he enjoyed taking care of as the eldest. However, during his wife’s pregnancy, the 29-year-old computer developer has constantly claimed that the sex of the baby “didn’t matter”, even with his partner – who also claimed to not care. Don’t want to“embarrass yourself with it”, although she had previously suffered a miscarriage. Fear also that we will find this desire « bizarre »or that the child suffers from not having corresponded to the father’s wishes.

So, when Valentin learned during an ultrasound that his unborn baby was a boy, he kept his “little disappointment”, quickly eclipsed by the joy of becoming the father of a son with whom he has formed a strong relationship. When the desire for the second – and last – child arrived, his desire returned, intact: “I told myself that I only had one more chance to have a girl”, remembers the young man. This time, he allows himself to openly say his preference, more acceptable according to him for a second child – the famous “king’s choice”. “When I found out it was a little girl, what joy! I spent the rest of the day on cloud nine.”he confides.

Would it be frowned upon to admit one’s preference, when decency would require us to rejoice above all, on the one hand, at having succeeded in conceiving a baby when one in six people is affected by infertility in the world, and, on the other hand, that this baby is in good health? While questions around gender occupy a growing place in public debate, knowing and making known the sex of your future baby has never been easier: medical progress makes it possible to determine the sex of the fetus earlier and earlier and THE gender reveal partiesthese festivals where parents and loved ones discover with more or less folklore and tears the gender of the unborn baby, are in full swing.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Gender reveal parties”, when parents reveal with great fanfare the sex of their future child

In a video published in mid-May on Instagram, the influencer and reality TV star Jazz Correia, already the mother of three children, including two boys, revealed to her 4 million subscribers that she was expecting her third son, with a lot of balloons blue, at the same time as his moods. “My mother’s heart would like a princess, I even want to call her Love. (…) Why didn’t Allah give me a daughter, a little sister for Chelsea, a princess for me? »she asks herself, her voice full of melancholy against the background of the piano, before concluding: “It is a blessing to have sons, it is a protection for a mother. It took me a few days to accept it. »

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