Preliminary Results For Nike | BizPortal

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The developer of payment solutions for vending machines publishes preliminary results for the first quarter of 2022. The company reports expected revenues of between 33.5 and 34.5 million dollars – an increase of 50% compared to the first quarter of 2021, But no growth over the previous quarter. In addition, according to the company, the number of points of sale connected and managed by the company increased by 37% to 553,000 points. The number of transactions cleared by the company reached 269 million, an increase of 87% compared to the corresponding quarter.

Half a year ago the same thing happened to Nakes – the company again did not show quarter-on-quarter growth. On the same day investors punished her with a 13% fall.
Since the beginning of the year, the company’s share has fallen by 42% and is now traded at a value of NIS 2.14 billion.

In any case, according to a report today, revenue from monthly usage fees increased by 66% from the receiving quarter and 8% from the previous quarter and amounted to $ 22.4 million. The company’s customers reached 34,000, compared with 21,000 in the corresponding quarter and 30,000 in the previous quarter.

In its most recent reports, Nakes reported 40% revenue growth to $ 34.4 million and the operating loss jumped to $ 10m.

Yair Nehemad, CEO of Nakes: “In the first quarter of 2022, the company connected an additional 36,000 devices in accordance with our work plan – this in light of the growing demand for the company’s products and despite the global shortage of components. In the first quarter, the momentum continued to grow in our broad customer base as well as in the number of transactions which yielded us a record in recurring revenues of over $ 22 million. Based on our preliminary results, and the growing backlog of orders for the coming quarters – we confirm our forecasts – 35% revenue growth. ”

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