Premier League top game – Liverpool wants to keep Arsenal at a distance – Sport

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Premier League top game – Liverpool wants to keep Arsenal at a distance – Sport – SRF

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As league leaders, Liverpool travel to third-placed Arsenal on Sunday. With a win the next step towards the title should be taken.

Legend: The “Reds” want to take the next step towards the title. IMAGO/Colorsport

Liverpool have not lost a league game since September 30th, when they lost 2-1 against Tottenham, weakened by two sending-offs. No wonder, then, that the “Reds” lead the Premier League table after 22 match days. Arsenal also held the leader position for 5 rounds. After a weak phase at the end of December, it slipped to third place.

That’s why the Londoners absolutely have to score points in the top game with Liverpool if they want to maintain their chances of winning the championship. The gap is currently 5 points, and in the event of a defeat, ManCity (currently tied on points in one less game) also threatens to pull away.

Klopp wants win number 201

On Wednesday evening, Liverpool once again impressively demonstrated their form. The 4-1 win against Chelsea was Jürgen Klopp’s 200th win in the Premier League. Afterwards he almost couldn’t stop raving: “This team is full of joy, full of excitement and all these things – that’s really cool.”


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