preparation truncated, the political process is suspect

by time news

2024-07-26 09:00:06

Les Républicains de l’Isère MP Yannick Neuder, general rapporteur of the Social Security budget, at the National Assembly, in Paris, April 2, 2024.

Will there be a “Secu” budget in the fall? Health professionals are beginning to doubt it. While the government of Gabriel Attal is currently dealing with issues, since the President of the Republic accepted his resignation on July 16, the Social Security Funding Bill (PLFSS) for 2025 is being prepared with pain, because clear direction. In principle, as every year, it must be presented to the Council of Ministers at the end of September to be on the table, at the latest, on the table of the National Assembly on the first Tuesday in October. But the timetable shows, this time, the complexity to respect and the great uncertainty continue to prevail over the very content of the words, those who hold the pen not having free rein.

The drafting of the PLFSS followed a well-oiled process, with back and forth between the central administrations involved taking place well before the issue reached Parliament. Since April, accountants have been running hot, especially in the Social Security Department and the budget department, where senior officials are working from various reports and Excel tables on the execution of previous budgets. “Far from being a neutral issue, which is limited to a set of technical measures, PLFSS forms a social policy, which means making political choices”remembers Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health under Hollande for five years (2012-2017).

This process has been essentially interrupted for a month and a half. The release, announced on May 9, and the initial legislative elections took place at a time when the first political decisions on this matter were, in ordinary times, made. “We’re a month late”we went to the Ministry of Health.

Reducing government latitude

Bercy, for his part, wanted to be sure. Appearances “Enable to integrate PLFSS” they are identified in the spring and “Writings in Size” done in June, “Like every year”, confirmed the minister of Thomas Cazenave, the Minister who resigned for Public Accounts. On the other hand, he admits that, “Judgment meetings that usually take place in July did not take place” and be therefore “changed”.

The exercise is the most difficult thing to do as the resigning government has less latitude. It should deal with current issues only, jurisprudence under interpretation. According to Matignon, the cabinet placed in this position can prepare and present “Money Rules”. However, PLFSS has a smaller character than the financial bill (PLF), because the first, unlike the second, “not a text authorizing credits”, explains Gilles Huteau, professor of social law at the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health. In other words, even without PLFSS, social benefits, retirement pensions and medical reimbursements will continue to be paid. But a matter of this kind is needed to determine the borrowing capacity given to the Urssaf national tax, the “Secu” bank, in order to honor the payments.

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