Preparations have begun: Will Putin use nuclear weapons?

by time news

A team of senior security officials has been formed by the White House to examine extremist scenarios in the war between Ukraine and Russia, including the use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons by Putin. The team is also discussing the possibility of Russia invading countries other than Ukraine The scenarios are expected to come up in Biden’s conversation with senior NATO officials

The White House has appointed a special team that is currently preparing for extreme scenarios that may arise during the war, including the use of chemical weapons. This was reported in the New York Times.

The team is made up of senior security officials, discussing the obvious response the United States should take in the event the Russian president decides to act in an extreme way.

Among the deployments is also a deployment for the use of naval, biological or nuclear weapons, a possibility that is likely to be of concern to Americans. This is after it was also reported that Belarus would allow the Russians to deploy such weapons in its territory.

Further preparations are for the possibility that Putin will decide to expand the invasion, deviate from Ukraine andInvade NATO territories and attack arms shipments and aid to Ukraine.

The team is also discussing preparations for the possibility that Russia will expand the fighting and invade Moldova or Georgia as well, as well as a scenario in which Europe will have difficulty dealing with the number of refugees.

These scenarios are expected to be a key issue in President Joe Biden’s meetings with NATO leaders today in Brussels.

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