Presentation of Aldona Ruseckaitė’s book “EMMI”.

by time news

The Birštonas public library hosted the presentation of writer Aldona Ruseckaitė’s fifth biographical novel “EMMI: The Women of Vinco Mykolaichi-Putin” (Liethuvos príčerų sąjungos leidykla, 2022). The wonderful actress Olita Dautartaitė started the evening with the poem “Romansas” from V. Mykolaitis-Putin’s first collection “Tarp dvai ausrė”, published in 1927: “And now those dawns are still burning / The evening sky and my household.”
The solemnly and dreamily started meeting was continued by the writer Aldona Ruseckaitė, who vividly, verbally and vividly told about the birth of the novel and the character of the classic of Lithuanian literature, his life path. V. Mykolaitis-Putinas also appeared in the writer’s previous novels, which led to the creation of this book. Is it difficult to create an artistic biography? Yes, because the writer makes a commitment, the work requires great care, you need to go through a lot of archives, find your own line of sight, select the material, convey it properly, delve into it and feel it. A. Ruseckaitė admits to EMMI: “When I read Putin’s work, memoirs, autobiography, when he writes about his family, about Suvalki’s closedness, restrained coldness, about the endless flow of work, I understand him perhaps better than others, because I know those states, behavior, nature, mutual relations. I understand the Suvalkie backbone – can someone advise me, and I will do it as I came up with myself…”
During the meeting, the writer emphasized Putin’s wife Emilia’s devotion and love for her husband, her constant concern for the household, her husband’s deteriorating health. Emilia always tried to create suitable conditions for the poet’s work. The poetic word emerged during communication with the muse Irena Kostkevičiūte: “an immediate connection with the professor and supervisor of the research work was established during my post-graduate studies…” The collection “Tarp two dawns” published at that time is the most prominent work of Lithuanian poetry symbolism. After Putin’s death, the muse organized and prepared the entire creative legacy of the classics for printing.
Leaving the priesthood was very painful for mother Magdalena, but she forgave her son. Love is patient and forgiving. Warm, brotherly love connected Vince with his sister Magdalena. She encouraged her brother to create, spread his work, understood him. V. Mykolaitis-Putinas had a complex character, he liked solitude. Once, Irenai revealed that he had “wolf hair” that prevented him from communicating directly with the public. What does it mean to have “wolf hair”? Does every person have it and how to live with it? We had an interesting discussion about this together with the writer, who has deeply and thoroughly studied all the states, behavior and feelings of the poet – with love and respect.
The personality of V. Mykolaitis-Putin was revealed in a new light. A. Ruseckaitė’s lively and vivid story captivated the listeners, fans of the writer. The guest answered the questions that arose. The sacred, festive evening was crowned by readings of V. Mykolaitis-Putin’s poetry by actress O. Dautartaitė. Poetry that ennobles souls.

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