Presidency of LR: a debate to widen the gap between the three candidates

by time news

A few veiled spades, nuances on pensions and unanimity on immigration: the three candidates for the presidency of the Republicans sought to score points this Monday evening, during their only televised debate. For an hour and a half on LCI, Eric Ciotti, Aurélien Pradié and Bruno Retailleau defended their vision for the right-wing party, which fell to 4.8% in the last presidential election.

In this competition Eric Ciotti, who passes for the favorite, played his usual card of firmness by defending a right “which no longer apologizes for being itself” in a country “dangerously engaged on the path of decline”. “I want unity on a clear line”, assured the boss of senators LR Bruno Retailleau who defended “the gathering” of a right “proud of its values, with a clear line on the sovereign and the economy” . Challenger of this competition, Aurélien Pradié, himself, pushed the argument of renewal by praising his experience “as mayor, as a volunteer firefighter”, in the service of a “popular right” which is “not a punishment” .

On the role of LR, no divergence. “There is no question of being Marine le Pen’s crutch or Emmanuel Macron’s stepping stone”, summed up Bruno Retailleau. And in this often technical debate twelve days before the first round, everyone first retained their attacks during a long development on the sovereign and pensions.

On the Ocean Viking, “it’s Italy 1-France 0”

All defended a very firm vision on immigration by returning to the episode of the Ocean Viking, this humanitarian ship landed in Toulon with 234 migrants on board. “It’s Italy 1-France 0”, estimated Eric Ciotti who hammered: “No rights for illegal immigrants, no housing, no allowances, no school”.

Bruno Retailleau denounced the “aspiring pumps” for immigration and tackled the government’s “massive regularization” project with its text of law expected in early 2023. As for Aurélien Pradié, he proposed “that we recognize the crime of smuggler as falling within the scope of the ICC” – the International Criminal Court -, and to “halve the volume of immigration”.

On pensions, the positions were more divergent: faced with a Bruno Retailleau pleading for the postponement of the legal age, Aurélien Pradié defended “a fair reform” where “he who started working early ends up early”. Eric Ciotti found himself in the position of synthesis by defending “a somewhat à la carte system”. And “if it saves the retirees of today and tomorrow, I will vote” the law presented by the executive, he assured.

But veiled spades punctuated the debate – Eric Ciotti asking “are values ​​a bad word, Aurélien Pradié? » before he launches « Eric, you will make an excellent general secretary ».

Bruno Retailleau, who wants to be a candidate for the rally with many elected supporters, found himself isolated on renewable energies, after a vote in the Senate which adopted the government bill by a very large majority at first reading.

“I think the brand is dead”

On the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution, he also marked his singularity: “It is a debate that the far left imports from the United States”, he said. “The Veil law is French,” replied Aurélien Pradié, while Eric Ciotti believed that “the right should not be old-fashioned, it must be in tune with society”.

On the future of the party everyone played their part, with some criticism of Nicolas Sarkozy. “We will have to change the name, I think the brand is dead,” said Bruno Retailleau. “In 2027, we will see if we are dead or not, today we are still moving,” said Eric Ciotti. But “what is missing is the leader”, added the one who pleads to quickly designate Laurent Wauquiez presidential candidate of 2027.

“It’s madness to appoint our candidate next year,” said Aurélien Pradié. “If we stumble in the Europeans, we electrocute him”, abounded Bruno Retailleau. “If we have no more juice, he won’t risk anything. At some point, you have to take responsibility,” replied Eric Ciotti.

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