Presidency of the Medef: Dominique Carlac’h cultivates his difference

by time news

2023-05-24 19:32:54

After Patrick Martin the day before, it was Dominique Carlac’h’s turn to present his program for the election to the presidency of Medef, this Wednesday. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, who returns on July 6, was not mistaken when, last January, he explained that it was “not an election based on major ideological differences”. “You will see quite a few candidates claiming a tax increase or a return to the CHSCT,” he added, tongue-in-cheek.

Unsurprisingly, no more than the current number 2 of Medef, the vice-president and spokesperson for the employers’ organization does not ask for such things. Unsurprisingly either, the reduction in production taxes or even the reduction in the cost of skilled labor are as essential for her as for him. The two also criticize the excess of regulation which they want to put a stop to.

“Five Priorities”

The difference is to be found elsewhere. Some will say in a more or less societal sensibility, others in a more or less orthodox position. In her program, which she presents as the result of “collective and field reflection”, the president of the innovation consulting company D & Consultants claims to “build a Medef of our time” with “five clear and shared priorities “: “guarantee social balances”, “establish competitive sovereignty” in the face of American and Chinese state capitalisms, “support demographic, environmental, technological, entrepreneurial and societal transitions”, “bring together entrepreneurs from France” and finally ” broaden the influence and impact” of the employers’ organization.

Where Patrick Martin’s program first emphasizes the issues of “producing more”, that of Dominique Carlac’h focuses primarily on the issue of the relationship to work in a context of recruitment difficulties and wants to discuss it “without taboo”, she underlined this Wednesday. For this, it wants to work to “make a statement shared with other employers’ organizations and trade unions”.

“Organize work differently”

Evoking the aspirations of the employees with which the companies are confronted, it does not marry the classic employer discourse of working more. She points out that this “will not mean working less, but organizing the work differently”. With however “a red line: productivity and value creation must be at the center of concerns”.

Like Patrick Martin, Dominique Carlac’h wants continued growth, with a prominent place for nuclear power in the energy mix, but also the development of renewable energies. She warns that we must “not be counter-productive and to green the economy, blacken the rest”. It claims a Medef which places itself “as an essential environmental and societal player”.

Its own networks

The business leader insists on the need to “make decarbonization and resources accessible to all”. The Medef must “support all industries in their greening strategy” and, in particular, allow very energy-intensive activities to have “secure access to predictable and low-cost green energy”.

Finally, facing a Patrick Martin who, after five years as Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux’s right-hand man, can boast of being immediately operational if he is elected, the former athletics champion mischievously slipped that she too had its own networks. Not only did she replace them at meetings with the executive or parliamentarians when they were not available… But she knows very well both Sophie Binet, the new general secretary of the CGT, and Marylise Léon, who is due to take over on 21 June to Laurent Berger at the CFDT of which she has “the 06”.

Next meetings: May 30, where the two candidates will be auditioned by the General Assembly of Medef, but also June 26 where they will debate on BFM Business. Patrick Martin, reluctant at first, changed his mind.

#Presidency #Medef #Dominique #Carlach #cultivates #difference

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