President Biden came out of isolation and returned on doctor’s orders

by time news
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The personal doctor of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, who about ten days ago was diagnosed with the corona virus, ordered him to return to isolation this evening.

Three days ago, President Biden posted a picture on social media, in which he shows the results of the corona test – which shows that he is negative for corona.

This evening, his personal doctor updates that in another test done by the president – just to be safe, he received a positive answer for Corona, and therefore he ordered him to return to isolation.

About a week ago, as reported in the Shabbat Square, his personal doctor explained that Biden is suffering from an upper respiratory tract infection, but that he is “doing great”. He further elaborated that during the night (between Saturday and Sunday) the president already felt much better.

The White House said that none of the president’s close contacts, almost 20 in number, were found to be positive for Corona after the tests.

It was reported in the US media that those around Biden are optimistic about his condition, in light of the fact that the president received four doses of the vaccine and at the same time began taking the anti-viral medicine.

Biden, 79 years old, was infected with corona about ten days ago. The White House later said that Biden is experiencing very mild symptoms, and that he is continuing his current work in isolation until a negative test.

As I recall, Biden visited Israel and Saudi Arabia about two weeks ago, but it is not clear where he contracted the virus. Biden himself tweeted that he is feeling great and that he is continuing to work as usual except for a few canceled meetings.

The previous president, Donald Trump, was also infected with the corona virus about two years ago in the first wave of the corona virus, and was even hospitalized as a result.

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