President Biden promises ‘every asset’ for Hawaii as wildfire crisis unfolds

by time news

President Biden Visits Hawaii to Assess Wildfire Damage and Pledge Support

President Joe Biden is set to visit Maui, Hawaii on Monday to view the damage caused by a devastating wildfire and to offer support and assistance to the affected residents. The visit comes after criticism from lawmakers, including former President Donald Trump, and some residents who believed that the federal response was inadequate.

The wildfire, which was unexpectedly ignited by high winds instead of the predicted storm, has resulted in at least 111 fatalities and has left residents searching for loved ones among the rubble and ashes. The full extent of the devastation is still being determined.

Upon receiving news of the wildfire, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients immediately briefed President Biden on the rapidly evolving situation. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was quickly mobilized and provided funds to aid in fire management efforts.

In response to the criticism and concerns, President Biden assured the people of Hawaii that the federal government is committed to providing every resource necessary for ongoing recovery efforts. He pledged to deploy “every asset” needed and stated that he will remain in Maui for as long as it takes.

Despite the initial silence from President Biden following the disaster, White House aides emphasized that he had been regularly briefed on the situation and had maintained contact with top officials, including Hawaii’s governor and congressional delegation. FEMA leadership also worked closely with state and local officials as they assessed the damage and coordinated response efforts.

The federal government has already provided significant assistance, including more than $2.3 million in funding and thousands of meals, liters of water, blankets, and cots. The US Coast Guard, Navy Third Fleet, US Army, and the Small Business Administration are also supporting recovery efforts on the island.

In addition to search and rescue operations and debris removal, the administration is focused on long-term recovery efforts. Cabinet and senior administration officials met with Homeland Security Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall to discuss housing solutions and the improvement of Hawaii’s energy grid with the assistance of the Department of Energy.

President Biden’s visit to Hawaii will not only allow him to assess the damage firsthand but also afford him the opportunity to meet with affected residents and demonstrate the federal government’s commitment to their recovery.

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