President Biden Responds to McCarthy’s Potential Impeachment Inquiry as Showdown Looms over Government Funding

by time news

President Joe Biden responded to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s potential impeachment inquiry, linking it to the upcoming government funding showdown. Biden stated that he believes Republicans want to impeach him in order to shut down the government. He emphasized that he is focused on his job and dealing with issues that affect the American people every day.

Biden’s advisers have been preparing for an impeachment inquiry and are aiming to counter any narrative of self-dealing about the president. They want to push back against Republicans and assert that this is a political communications battle rather than a legitimate impeachment inquiry.

Despite a lack of evidence of wrongdoing, Republicans have raised concerns about Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Some polls show that a majority of Americans believe Biden had at least some involvement in his son’s business dealings, with some thinking he acted illegally.

The White House is ready to respond to the inquiry from a communications standpoint and has launched an aggressive messaging strategy centered on the lack of evidence linking the president to anything illegal. Biden’s campaign is also using the inquiry to its advantage, sending out emails urging supporters to stand behind the president and criticizing House Republicans for launching the inquiry.

Impeachment-related steps are unwelcome for any White House, as they can become all-consuming distractions. The Biden White House has built a team to respond to potential impeachment, including appointing a special counsel and advisers to handle oversight requests.

Biden himself has yet to directly comment on the proceedings, but he has made implicit nods to the possibility, suggesting it is an attempt to distract from the improving economy. The White House strategy is to keep Biden focused on his governing duties, including delivering a major economic address in Maryland on Thursday.

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