President Biden’s Awkward Gaffe: Forgetting to Shake Hands with Brazilian President Lula at UN Event

by time news

Title: President Biden Faces Criticism for Awkward Gaffe During UN Event with Brazilian President Lula

Subtitle: Social media users point out repeated story retelling, raising concerns about President Biden’s age

Published: [Date]

In a recent joint event with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as “Lula,” President Joe Biden committed an awkward gaffe that quickly drew attention and criticism. The incident occurred on Wednesday after Biden’s speech on workers’ rights at the United Nations in New York City.

Following his address, Biden first shook hands with International Labor Organization Director-General Gilbert Houngbo, who was also on stage. However, as he turned to leave, it became apparent that he had forgotten to shake hands with President Lula. Instead, Biden waved and gave a salute towards the audience before slowly walking away, seemingly oblivious to Lula’s gesture to shake hands.

President Lula, clearly taken aback, initially approached Biden to shake his hand but quickly realized that the president was heading in the opposite direction. Visibly irritated, Lula gestured towards his side of the stage and walked away.

This gaffe was not the only incident that drew attention to President Biden on that day. It was also reported that during a fundraiser, he repeated a story just minutes apart, using nearly identical wording. Social media users were quick to point out this perceived slip of memory, and some criticized Biden’s age, which has become a contentious topic throughout his presidency.

According to a press pool report, Biden told the story of the events at Charlottesville in 2017 as the inspiration for his presidential campaign. However, he repeated the story again, almost verbatim, just moments later. This repetition fueled concerns about his cognitive abilities and raised questions about his ability to effectively lead the country.

A recent Associated Press-NORC poll revealed that 77% of Americans believe that Biden is too old to serve a second term. Significantly, 89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats expressed this sentiment. This widespread view indicates that doubts about Biden’s age are not limited to one political party.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the White House for comment on these gaffes and the concerns they have raised. The incident with President Lula further highlights moments of controversy surrounding Biden’s communication skills, adding to the ongoing debate about his ability to fulfill the demands of his role.

President Biden is likely to face continued scrutiny as critics and supporters alike question whether his age will impact his effectiveness as a leader. As the next election approaches, these concerns will likely become more prominent, shaping the political landscape and public opinion.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Fox News.

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