President Biden’s Message to Prime Minister Netanyahu: “Do Not Legislate Without Broad Consensus”

by time news

White House Confirms President Biden’s Message to Prime Minister Netanyahu

In an article published by Thomas Friedman in the “New York Times,” it has been confirmed that President Biden conveyed a message to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to halt the legislation. The White House spokeswoman, Jean Pierre, confirmed the conversation took place during an interview with Friedman, stating, “Friedman directly quoted the president, and I will let his words stand on their own.”

President Biden’s message to Prime Minister Netanyahu was clear – do not legislate without broad consensus. The White House reiterated the president’s commitment to Israel’s security and emphasized the long-standing relationship between the two countries. It was mentioned that President Biden had a meeting with Israeli President Herzog and a phone conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu, reaffirming the strong ties between the United States and Israel.

In an unexpected turn of events, Ambassador Mike Herzog signed a reciprocity agreement to promote visa exemptions for Israelis. The implementation of the agreement will begin with an American delegation visiting Israel to ensure compliance with the exemption conditions. A decision from the United States regarding the issue is expected by September 30.

Sources close to the matter revealed that Friedman’s conversation with President Biden was originally planned as a periodic briefing, covering various topics such as the war in Ukraine. However, President Biden took the opportunity to convey his message to Prime Minister Netanyahu, expressing dissatisfaction with the announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office regarding the upcoming legislation.

The announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office detailed the intention to pass the law in the Knesset first and then seek a broad public consensus during the summer break. This order of events was reportedly not well-received by senior government officials, prompting President Biden to refine his position on the issue during his conversation with Friedman.

The White House’s unease with the Prime Minister’s Office’s announcement led to President Biden’s decision to address the matter directly. This signifies the importance the Biden administration places on the need for broad consensus in legislation.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Prime Minister Netanyahu will respond to President Biden’s message. The United States’ commitment to Israel’s security and the promotion of visa exemptions for Israelis demonstrate a complex relationship between the two nations, filled with both challenges and opportunities for collaboration.

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