President denies file against Salinas; journalist reaffirms that she exists… and she is not the only one

by time news

2023-09-21 13:30:00

CDMX.- The investigation folder against the former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari exists, the journalist reaffirms today Raymond River Palace after the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He assured that it is false.

This Wednesday, the president responded and even mocked Riva Palacio’s column “The October Surprise,” where the journalist claims that the current administration seeks to “charge Salinas with torture and violation of due process against Mario Aburto.” Gortari and his former head of the Presidential Office, as well as Cisen. All for electoral purposes.

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“Your source from Patio Central says that I am going to call Carlos Salinas to account – that is his note, eh?, his note –, that I am going to call Carlos Salinas to account because Aburto, the one who allegedly murdered Colosio, is going to accuse him. . No, no, not allegedly, yes, he was the one who murdered Colosio. Because I’m going to call Salinas to account, because they tortured Aburto. And where does this guy get this from, then? ”He expressed this Wednesday morning.

López Obrador even sent a message to Salinas so that “he should not worry, because I have not received a single report, nor a letter about this, but this one has already flown (Riva Palacio).”

In his article today, the political analyst reassures the president that it is not a scam because the folder exists and asserted that “the President plays with words.”

“You do not have to receive a report or a letter from the Attorney General’s Office about the case, and the only thing that prosecutor Alejandro Gertz Manero could give you would be the investigation folder. He has not done it, as he has never given her research folders, nor is there a need,” he adds in his response.

According to the journalist, since 2019, Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero planned to use the Colosio case to “settle accounts with the heads of previous governments,” but currently his goal is to intervene in the 2024 electoral process to subtract votes from the opposition.

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“López Obrador’s strategic idea… was to use García Luna’s conviction in the trial in Brooklyn for links with the Sinaloa Cartel to hammer against PAN members and PRI members during the electoral campaign, but when the judge postponed the ruling until March, the objective had to be changed.

“Salinas was the right one, due to the intense work that had been done in the Prosecutor’s Office for almost a year, with 50 lawyers and public ministries building the case,” he details.

The Colosio Case file, in which Salinas de Gortari is sought to be implicated, was opened without the former president’s name appearing, the analyst clarifies, but Gertz Manero wanted to accuse him from the beginning of Obrador’s six-year term.

“As far as is known, the file against Salinas is concluded, and it also attempts to blame the former head of the Presidential Office, José Córdoba, and the CISEN”.

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According to the journalist and political analyst, during the current six-year term they also opened investigation files against the former presidents. Enrique Pena Nieto (PRI) and Felipe Calderon (PAN).

In the case of Peña Nieto, prosecutor Gertz Manero opened an investigation into the Odebrecht case, which also included his former Secretary of the Treasury, Luis Videgaray Caso. But the President stopped him.

“Gertz Manero opened investigation files against former President Enrique Peña Nieto and his Secretary of the Treasury, Luis Videgaray, for Odebrecht, but the President did not authorize him to proceed with the arrest warrants,” says the journalist.

Regarding Calderón, he adds, he was investigated by Fast and Furious, the operation that investigated arms trafficking and allowed more than 2,500 weapons to enter Mexico illegally.

“The prosecutor did obtain the arrest warrant against former President Felipe Calderón for Fast and Furious, but López Obrador ordered him not to execute it,” says Riva Palacio.

#President #denies #file #Salinas #journalist #reaffirms #exists..

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