President López Obrador Defends Mexican Diplomat Roberto Canseco: Ecuador’s Complaint “Nonsense”

by time news
The President celebrated the status of the OAS. Credit: Cuartoscuro

chairman Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador came forward in defense of Roberto CansecoAfter it was reported about the head of the Mexican diplomatic mission in Ecuador prosecutor’s office Alleged obstruction of justice during ‘attack’ on Ecuador Mexican Embassy in that country for the arrest of Former Vice President George Glass,

This Monday morning President López Obrador was questioned about the complaint that was presented Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s OfficeThis cannot proceed despite the fact that the diplomat enjoys diplomatic immunity.

However, the matter deserved a response from President López Obrador who considered the complaint this is nonsense And considered it an act of ego.

“This is nonsense, this is an act of supreme arrogance, a shamelessness, How can a public servant, a diplomat of our country who serves with honor, who is a source of pride for our country’s foreign policy in defense of rights and asylum, be condemned by the invaders,” said President López. Obrador.

Three high-ranking diplomats describe what happened in Quito, Ecuador on April 5. Credit: SRE

The Federal President said this during his conference Ecuador Violated international law, which violated the right to asylum and Mexican sovereignty.

In that sense, López Obrador demonstrated complete support in the face of this complaint, along with Roberto Canseco Mexican mission in Ecuador On the night of April 5, when police officers entered the diplomatic headquarters to arrest George Glas.

López Obrador recognized Roberto Canseco’s work as head of the diplomatic mission in Ecuador and, in addition to proposing to invite him and the members of said mission to Mananera, he advocated for their recognition. Belisario Dominguez Medal.

And he considered that Roberto Canseco This is an exemplary example For his actions in the ‘attack’ on the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador. All this, before it was announced that the Ecuadorian authorities had filed a counter-suit against our country before the International Court of Justice.

President López Obrador proposed that Roberto Canseco be awarded the Belisario Domínguez Medal. Photo: Government of Mexico

“I want legislators, senators, to keep him in mind as a candidate to get Belisario Dominguez Medal, We are going to recognize him, the entire mission, and this public servant in particular. Roberto Canseco is, indeed, an example worth following,” he said.

López Obrador reported that he had not spoken to Roberto Canseco since the mission returned to Mexico on April 7, after the diplomatic crisis with Ecuador began, but that Ambassador Raquel Serour,

However, he proposed to invite them to Mananera and breakfast: “Let them come, we will agree,” he said after recognizing them for their work in the Mexican Foreign Service.

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