by times news cr

2024-08-03 03:49:49

Guayaquil, Guayas. On the morning of Monday, July 8, the President of the Republic, Daniel Noboa Azin, gave an interview to Radio Sucre in the city of Guayaquil. More than 200 radio stations – linked voluntarily – extended this dialogue on economic progress, strategic sectors, politics and security to all corners of the country. The Secretary General of Communication, Irene Vélez; and the Minister of Government, Michele Sensi-Contugi, also participated in this informative space hosted by Vicente Arroba.

Growing economy

In economic matters, the President was emphatic in detailing the achievements of his administration, despite the conditions in which he received the country; with a delay in payments of USD 4.6 billion. During this time of management, he explained, the numbers are positive and are reflected in: annual growth of 1.2% in the first quarter; and the public debt was reduced from 50.76% in November 2023 to 48.60% in April 2024.

He also indicated that there is an increase in tax collection of USD 500 million, growth in local sales of USD 2 billion; inflation was reduced from 1.69% in June 2023 to 1.18% in June 2024; an increase in exports of primary goods by 12.1%; of industrialized goods by 5% and of non-traditional exports by 2.4%; among others.

We have already gone through the hardest part. If we had not had those six months of tough measures, we would not have public investment that is transformed into employment, nor the money to continue fighting a war and pay the debts of the previous government,” Noboa pointed out.

And he added: “Old Ecuador wants to say that everything is wrong, because they are candidates and they want to be in power (…). They will try to confuse, distort the numbers and try to disturb the Assembly on a daily basis to continue their agenda of impunity.”Daniel Noboa said that this encouraging scenario in public finances is the result of decisive decisions at the right time.

Specifically, he announced that this Government, with the commitment to promote the growth of SMEs, through the National Financial Corporation (CFN) will grant partial guarantees of up to 50% for the normalization of operations of this important productive segment.

In this first phase, the Credit Guarantee System for USD 200 million will allow access to and/or maintenance of productive credit, benefiting approximately 5,000 SMEs. This operation functions as a financial backing that covers part of the credit risk in loans granted by financial institutions. This is part of the public investment that New Ecuador makes as a sign of support and confidence in the population; which is sustainable thanks to the adequate and transparent management of the economy and the inflow of resources by multilateral institutions.

The President also referred to the regulation of fuel prices. In this regard, he indicated that this measure contributes directly to combating smuggling, since it is estimated that a car could fill up with Extra and Ecopaís up to 28 times a day, which no longer have subsidies.

He also stressed that this action does not affect the average population of Ecuador, since the subsidy for domestic gas is maintained and, additionally, there is a compensation system to maintain the rates for means of transport such as taxis, motorcycle taxis, tricycles and vans. Additionally, he indicated that a productive plan is being carried out to exchange old units for diesel ones.

Strategic sectors and infrastructure: Works that translate into employment

During the radio interview, the President stressed that “With infrastructure works there is employment”. For this reason, he anticipated that next month the Ministry of Transport and Public Works will begin the work of expanding the E25 Buena Fe – Babahoyo highway to four lanes.which is the road that moves 50% of the country’s exports.”

In addition, President Noboa announced that the sovereign guarantee requested by the Municipality of Guayaquil for works for the citizens will be granted, through a comprehensive program to strengthen urban infrastructure with a focus on sustainable mobility, safe water and adaptation to climate change in Monte Sinaí. However, he was clear in assuring that the corresponding follow-up will be given to the work to control the responsible use of resources.

He also mentioned that work will begin on the Fifth Bridge project. However, he commented that this complex engineering work requires studies and analyses that are already being processed by this government, although they were offered by previous administrations. “Before they announced and didn’t lift a finger; now we are doing it“Noboa said.

Regarding the energy sector, he said that, despite the difficult weather conditions, the energy ministry is carrying out cleaning work, especially at the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric plant, in order to avoid complications in the supply of this resource to Ecuadorians. He also reported that, thanks to the Energy Competitiveness Law, private investment in electricity transmission is promoted, contributing to the correct supply of this resource, and actions continue to be undertaken to strengthen the sector.


The citizen security rates are a sign of the New Ecuador. The Head of State highlighted the evident reduction in homicides, vaccinations and crimes in general since the arrival of his administration, which declared a frontal war on the criminal groups that operated structurally in the country.

In this regard, he indicated that measures such as the declaration of the internal armed conflict, the operation of the security block in Manta and the announcement of the construction of the new high-security prison in Santa Elena have weakened terrorist operations in the country.

He also confirmed his government’s willingness to support – to the extent of its powers – the efforts of the Attorney General’s Office to punish corrupt judges who deliberately grant freedom to criminals. On this matter, the President regretted that the National Assembly intends to leave Wilman Terán, former president of the Judicial Council, unpunished; therefore, he called on people to be attentive to the vote that will be held in the Legislature to archive the impeachment of the former official for failure to fulfill his duties.


In the field of national politics, President Noboa regretted the attitude of certain legislators and political blocs that seek to hinder the work of the Executive, while ignoring issues of national relevance. For example, the Legislature has not given way to ADN’s request to create a commission to analyze the statements of former President Rafael Correa, in which he asks that “invade the Port of Guayaquil and block Ecuador’s trade.”

Consequently, Noboa Azín rejected the attitude of the Assembly against Chancellor Gabriela Sommerfeld, who “defended the sovereignty of Ecuador and the country.” However, he anticipated that the sectors of the old politics will not get the 92 votes required to affect the Minister.

In this context, the Minister of Government, Michele Sensi-Contugi, emphatically stated that “We are not open to requests to grant freedom to people who are in prison in order to reach agreements in the National Assembly (…) If that triggers disagreements, we are ready to fight.”.

At the end of the interview, the President of the Republic thanked the citizens for their support of his administration, which is reflected – according to pollsters – in an approval rating of 55 to 57% and a voting intention for the next presidential elections of 33%. “That means we have done something right”he pointed out.

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