President of Religious Affairs Erbaş: The Quran is the book of life

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President of Religious Affairs Erbaş: The Quran is the book of life

President of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, made evaluations about the month of Ramadan and the services carried out by the Presidency of Religious Affairs in this month.

In the program broadcast live from the garden of Hagia Sophia-i Kebir Mosque-i Şerif, the President of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, said that the month of Ramadan, the sultan of the eleven months, in which the Quran was descended; He congratulated the month of Ramadan for our nation and the Islamic world, stating that it is the month of zakat, fasting, tarawih and fitra, which gathers all its beauties.

Noting that it is necessary to make good use of the holy times that are conducive to the salvation of people, President Erbaş said, “It is the Night of Regaip, the Night of Miraj, the Night of Berat, the Night of Power, the Night of Mevlit, it is Friday, it is the month of Ramadan, for three months; We need to evaluate very well. These are the holy times that almost bring about the resurrection of the soul, and their lord, the sultan, is the month of Ramadan.

“The Quran is the book of life”

Pointing out that the month of Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, President Erbaş stated that the month of Ramadan should be evaluated very well from the point of view of the Qur’an.

Recommending that those who do not know how to read the Qur’an should intend to learn about the month of Ramadan by taking advantage of it, President Erbaş said, “I can assure you that if they are determined within a month, our brothers who do not know how to read the Qur’an will learn. Learners, read. Let them at least download a hatim and try to understand. Our Lord encourages us to understand and think about the Qur’an. This is the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal. Understanding the Qur’an and arranging our lives according to the Qur’an. This is one of the most important goals of all believers. Because the Qur’an is the book of life.

President Erbaş, Mr. Stating that the way the Prophet and his companions understood and lived the Qur’an should be taken as an example, he said, “The Qur’an is the guide of life. In the words of our Prophet Aisha, our Prophet was almost a living Qur’an. Every Muslim should have a living Quran. If we obey the orders of the Quran and avoid its prohibitions and prohibitions, the society will find peace. Society becomes a society made up of individuals who live according to the Qur’an and live the Qur’an. This is the purpose of the worship,” he said.

“Ramadan is the month of zakat”

Stating that Ramadan is not only the month of fasting but also the month of zakat, President Erbaş pointed out that Muslims make it a custom to give their zakat in Ramadan, and said, “There is so much need these days that Muslims who pay zakat need to carefully calculate and pay their zakat, perhaps even more than the amount of zakat. , that is, it would be so beneficial for them to give more than once in forty. As of now, nearly 14 million of our brothers and sisters have been affected by the earthquake. Our people were left homeless and destitute,” he said.

Emphasizing the importance of zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, President Erbaş continued as follows:

“The more important the prayer is, the more important the fasting, the more important is the zakat. Zakat is mentioned together with prayer in the Qur’an. There is a sensitive point in the verse. ‘They do it for zakat.’ What do they do for zakat? They work for intelligence. In other words, believers work with the idea of ​​giving more zakat. As he gives zakat, his property is cleaned. He makes his property immaculate by giving the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor. The essence of the word zakat is cleansing, purification and purification. ‘They do it for zakat.’ The verse almost commands that rich believers should keep zakat alive in a corner of their minds while working. That is, they do not neglect zakat, they never forget it. How important. If we embrace our prayers a little more during these Ramadan days, we will first become a healthy individual as individuals and a healthy society as a society.”

“God bless the search and rescue teams”

President Erbaş, repeating his wishes for the earthquake victims to get well soon, drew attention to the importance of making the buildings sound and said:

“Causing the death of one person is like killing all of humanity. There is a verse. See, cause. In other words, you can cause the death of that person by cutting the column that will cause the collapse of the building. If you do the building without carrying the necessary conditions, that is, without paying attention to the concrete, iron and floor, you will also cause it. He has to bear this responsibility. Building builders, contractors and home owners must act with this responsibility. Saving one person is like saving all humanity. Just as those who caused his death sinned, we saw many contractors saying, ‘I used this much iron, this much cement to make it stronger than it should be, I paid attention to the concrete’. They also get the reward of it. Because that building was not demolished. The verse that gives us goosebumps every time it is read, says, ‘Whoever causes the death of a person, causes the death of all humanity, of people. He who saves one person is as if he has saved the whole of humanity.’ Those brothers who work in search and rescue and struggle to save a person, the happiness and joy when they save a person; Do they not rejoice, as if they had saved all mankind? God bless all institutions. What great struggles other institutions and non-governmental organizations put up within the framework of AFAD. We say, ‘Help us in goodness and piety.’ We saw the livable version of the verse. God bless them all.”

“A believer becomes a conscientious person”

President Erbaş, who asked people to be conscientious, continued as follows:

“Conscience is a very important thing. Even in this disaster situation, people should test their faith if they can be unscrupulous and ruthless. A faithful person becomes a conscientious and fair person. In some of our provinces, rents doubled or tripled within a month. Do you know what the reason is? It is fair that so many survivors have come there and they are looking for an apartment or a house to lay their heads on. Believers and citizens need to be very careful in this regard. There has been a great disaster, and as a result of this disaster, people need to be helped. Our Lord says, ‘They also spend in abundance. They also spend in hardship.’ Look, our Lord commands people to share what they have, even in times of distress. You are exploiting it, you are being ruthless. You are being dishonest. You increase the rents, the prices of the houses. This is not good for our nation. Our advice to our people in this regard is that they do some self-criticism. Let them put themselves in the shoes of people who are in trouble.”

“As the Presidency of Religious Affairs, we are trying to heal the wounds”

Stating that as the Presidency of Religious Affairs, they continued to provide services in earthquake zones from the first moments of the earthquake until now, President Erbaş said:

“Our state, our nation, non-governmental organizations were there. As the Presidency of Religious Affairs, we are trying to heal the wounds. We have given spiritual guidance training to about fifteen thousand of our teachers. They are going to the field. We built about five hundred mosques in tent cities and container cities. Tarawih prayers are performed, responses are read, conversations are held. We made classes for our children. We said Diyanet Child or 4-6 age class. Thousands of our children, especially our Quran course teachers, almost forget their loneliness under the guidance of our teachers who approach them with motherly affection. In order to make them forget the pain of the earthquake, we try to share their pain. On the first day of Ramadan, we broke our fast-breaking meal with our brothers and sisters in Maraş. Our President was also there. On the second day of Ramadan, we performed the Friday prayer together with our stricken brothers in Maraş. We went to Hatay and had the fast-breaking meal with our brothers and sisters in Hatay. We tried to reach as much as we could. Our moral support services teams continue their services in an alternating manner. We will continue this duty until our brothers find their own homes and homes from tent cities, container cities, places where they stay temporarily.”

“Can give zakat for permanent housing”

President Erbaş, who made evaluations on the question of the needs of earthquake victims and whether zakat can be given for the construction of permanent housing, which was asked to the High Council of Religious Affairs by the citizens who pay zakat, said:

“Our High Council of Religious Affairs studied this issue and stated that our brothers and sisters who pay zakat can also give their zakat for permanent residences. For this, a zakat account had to be opened in AFAD. AFAD opened the zakat account. Permanent residences can be built with the zakat money collected there at the moment. Our brothers and sisters who are victims of disasters, who should also benefit from those permanent residences, should be selected from those who are able to receive zakat. AFAD does the coordinating. We can also send our filters to earthquake victims. The people to whom we give our fitra should only be those who can afford it. In this respect, it is necessary to be careful not to confuse the account in which the fitra and zakat are collected with other accounts.”

President Erbaş reminded that the amount of fitra determined by the High Council of Religious Affairs is the minimum, and that zakat is at least one out of forty.

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