President Yoon: “ROK-US alliance upgraded to nuclear-based alliance of a different level than the past”

by times news cr
President Yoon Seok-yeol speaks at a Cabinet meeting held at the presidential office building in Yongsan, Seoul on the 27th. (provided by the presidential office) 2024.8.27 News 1

President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 27th, “The ROK-US alliance has been upgraded to a solid nuclear-based alliance of a different level from the past.”

In his congratulatory speech at the opening ceremony of the ‘Cultural Future Report’ held at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the same day, President Yoon said, “Since the Washington Declaration in April of last year, we have further solidified the ROK-US integrated extended deterrence system in just one year.”

After mentioning his attendance at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit held in Washington, D.C. last month, President Yoon said, “Through this visit to Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden and I approved the ROK-U.S. Korean Peninsula nuclear deterrence nuclear operation guidelines.” He explained, “With this, U.S. nuclear assets have been specially assigned missions on the Korean Peninsula regardless of wartime and peacetime, and the ROK-U.S. joint operation system of nuclear and non-nuclear assets has begun to operate.”

President Yoon said, “Now is the time when security issues are directly linked to the national economy,” and “the unstable global security situation is strengthening the America First policy and protectionism, threatening the trade order based on free trade.”

He continued, “This is bound to be an even greater threat to us, who have an export-oriented economic structure and a high degree of external dependence,” and emphasized, “The government will respond quickly to changes in the external environment and strengthen cooperation with member countries of the Key Minerals Security Partnership to secure a stable supply chain for strategic materials.”

President Yoon said, “In particular, by further developing the ROK-U.S.-Japan Camp David cooperation system, which celebrates its first anniversary this year, we will further strengthen our security and economy and actively contribute to the peace and prosperity of the international community.” He added, “As our government’s diplomacy as a global pivot country is bearing fruit one by one, our country’s status in the international community is rising further.”

President Yoon said, “Totalitarian and authoritarian forces are continuously challenging the rules-based international order, and they are not even hesitating to change the status quo through force.” He also pointed out that, “As geopolitical and geoeconomic competition intensifies, two conflicts are unfolding simultaneously in Europe and the Middle East.”

President Yoon said, “In particular, the Russia-Ukraine war that has been going on for over 900 days is showing signs of escalation, and in the Middle East, not only has the Israel-Hamas conflict continued for over 10 months, but tensions that could lead to an escalation are also running high.” He emphasized, “At times like these, we must strengthen our confidence in the peace and prosperity that are brought about by universal values ​​such as freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, and a norm-based order.”

Meanwhile, President Yoon shook hands with People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon as he left the event venue that day.

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-08-28 11:57:36

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