Presidential 2022: a demonstrator violently expelled from a press conference by Marine Le Pen

by time news

A long press conference on diplomacy and little room for contradiction. While Marine Le Pen was rolling out the measures of her program on the theme of foreign policy in front of journalists, this Wednesday at the Hoche salons in Paris, a demonstrator came to disrupt the question-and-answer session, to denounce her “complacency” towards Vladimir Putin.

The young woman suddenly stood up, brandishing a heart-shaped sign on which appeared a photo of the RN candidate for the presidential election alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin, in 2017 in Moscow. Violently pinned to the ground by Marine Le Pen’s security team, the demonstrator was then dragged by the feet and hands, before being expelled from the room, manu militari.

The Ibiza collective behind the interruption

According to a journalist from Radio Classique present on the spot, she infiltrated the room with four other members of the “Ibiza collective”, a partisan movement which had distinguished itself for having made a lookalike of Jean-Michel Blanquer dance in front of the ministry. of National Education, last January. Asked by the press at the exit of the room, the demonstrator said she was “a little shaken”, but not injured.

“She has always been Vladimir Putin’s friend” and has since 2017 “aligned herself with his positions on Ukraine”, affirmed the activists of the Ibiza collective, which presents itself as bringing together left-wing activists, Melenchonists and environmentalists . One of their members, presenting himself as a journalist for “Russia Today”, asked Marine Le Pen “a question from Vladimir Poutine”: “Why don’t you answer him anymore? He misses you”. Marine Le Pen rejected this “provocateur”.

“The inconvenient truth, we take it out of the room”, reacts Castaner

“Today she is lying explicitly to get elected, but the day after the election you can be sure she will make an alliance with Putin,” according to an “Ibiza” member. In front of the press conference room, the collective distributed leaflets, adorned with pink hearts, with a pastiche of an affectionate message from Putin to the RN candidate.

Marine Le Pen, regularly accused of having an ambiguous relationship with Vladimir Putin, whom she even said she “admired” at one time, refutes any acquaintance with the Russian president. “I have always defended in the positions that I have taken only the interest of France and exclusively the interest of France”, she hammered. A position mocked by Christophe Castaner, on Twitter. “At Marine Le Pen, the inconvenient truth, we take it out of the room by pulling it by the feet”, reacted to the sequence the president of the group La République en Marche at the National Assembly.

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