Presidential 2022: the results of the second round in Lille

by time news

With a massive vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round, Lille seemed to send a firm “neither Macron nor Le Pen”. The two interested parties arrived finalists in the election, Lille finally lined up behind Emmanuel Macron (76.56%) at the end of the second round of this presidential 2022, according to Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimates for Le Parisien, France Télévisions and RadioFrance. Marine Le Pen won 23.44% of the vote. In the first round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top with 40.53% of the vote, ahead of Emmanuel Macron (25.67%) and Marine Le Pen (11.77%).

In 2017, in the second round, Emmanuel Macron came out ahead in Lille, with 78.27% of the vote against 21.73% for Marine Le Pen – a large lead for the native of Hauts-de-France, who had obtained 66.1% of the vote nationally. Historically, Lille, the city of Pierre Mauroy and Martine Aubry, has always been marked on the left. In 2012, Lille had voted mainly for François Hollande (62.43%) against Nicolas Sarkozy (37.57%).

In 2007, Ségolène Royal also won (55.92%) over Nicolas Sarkozy (44.08%), while the gap was almost the opposite for the rest of the territory (53.06% for Nicolas Sarkozy, against 46 94% for Ségolène Royal). In 2002, Jacques Chirac came out ahead in the second round (83.83%) against Jean-Marie Le Pen, but it was the socialist Lionel Jospin who won the majority of the votes (20.21%) in the first round. .

Results of the second round of the 2022 presidential election

Registered: 127,360 ⋅ Participation: 66.74% (84,994 registered) ⋅ Abstention: 33.26% (42,366 registered) ⋅ Votes cast: 92.08% (78,263 votes) ⋅ Blank votes: 5.81% ( 4,937 votes) ⋅ Invalid votes: 2.11% (1,794 votes)

  • 76.56% Emmanuel Macron (LREM)
  • 23.44% Marine Le Pen (RN)

Results of the first round of the 2022 presidential election

Registered: 127,228 ⋅ Participation: 70.55% (89,754 registered) ⋅ Abstention: 29.45% (37,474 registered) ⋅ Votes cast: 69.42% (88,327 votes) ⋅ Blank votes: 0.77% ( 977 votes) ⋅ Invalid votes: 0.35% (450 votes)

  • 40.53% Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI)
  • 25.67% Emmanuel Macron (LREM)
  • 11.77% Marine Le Pen (RN)
  • 7.04% Yannick Jadot (EELV)
  • 4.42% Éric Zemmour (Reconquest!)

Results of the second round of the 2017 presidential election

Registered: 123,443 ⋅ Participation: % (registered) ⋅ Abstention: 30.24% (37,335 registered) ⋅ Votes cast: 63.29% (78,133 votes) ⋅ Blank votes: 4.60% (5,679 votes) ⋅ Invalid votes: 1.86% (2,296 votes)

  • 78.27% Emmanuel Macron (LREM)
  • 21.73% Marine Le Pen (FN)

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