Presidential: after the presentation of Macron’s program, the right mocks a “photocopier” candidate

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If Emmanuel Macron spoke for nearly four hours, this Thursday, March 17, to present his program for the presidential election, his main competitors in the race for the Élysée also found a lot to (re) say. “Emmanuel Macron remains in denial about authority, purchasing power and debt. On the rest: a lot of counterfeits! Tackled Valérie Pécresse on Twitter.

All afternoon, the right criticized the outgoing president for having “looted” the program of candidate LR, while a good number of measures are close. “Emmanuel Macron is a photocopier man”, for his part posted the LR Twitter account… before deleting this tweet.

Same refrain with Éric Zemmour. “It takes up some of the measures that I have been defending for months, such as the reduction of inheritance taxes, but without going that far, as well as the abolition of the audiovisual license fee, but without providing financial compensation! criticizes the candidate Reconquest! contacted by telephone, before castigating a president who “says the opposite of what he did for five years”, on nuclear power, inheritance issues or even pension reform. “There is absolutely nothing! on immigration and the “great replacement”, “central point” of his campaign, also observes the former journalist.

“At no time does he speak of the concerns of the French, of their daily lives. Nothing about the urgency in terms of purchasing power…”, mocks the acting president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, again criticizing Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to exchange with his opponents in the presidential election. “Jupiter from Olympus has sent us signals… but he still refuses to debate, he wants to escape his balance sheet…”, continues the MEP.

“Continuity for the worse”

No less criticism from the left. ” The masks have finally fallen. He continues to give pledges to the right, on the RSA in exchange for working hours, the postponement to 65 of the retirement age, the reform of unemployment insurance, criticizes Patrick Kanner, PS senator of the North and close to the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. It does not require any effort from the rich and even gives pledges to the hard right with regard to residence permits and refugees. »

VIDEO. Macron wants to tighten the conditions of access to the RSA

In the camp of PCF candidate Fabien Roussel, the alarm bells are sounding. “Emmanuel Macron promises five more years of misfortune for the French with anti-popular reforms,” ​​says his campaign manager Ian Brossat.

No more clemency from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, where it is estimated that his project is “continuity in worse”, for the deputy LFI Éric Coquerel. “It will be more effort required of those who have only their work to live on, and always more tax gifts for the richest, whom he has already stuffed for five years”, continues this close friend of Mélenchon.

Among ecologists, it’s hilarious about the lack of awareness of crises. “We are in an upheaval that is both geopolitical and climatic, and he has only one word in his mouth: continue. Everything changes but he does not move, ”laments Delphine Batho, spokesperson for Yannick Jadot.

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