Presidential: against medical deserts, Macron pleads for a “fourth year of internship”

by time news

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Women’s health, medical deserts, Ehpad, public hospital… For the president-candidate Emmanuel Macron, the health project will be “major” during his second five-year term, if he is re-elected in April. “We must succeed in going much further, faster and stronger”, in particular by strengthening “the prevention policy”, “the simplification of the hospital and its governance” and the improvement of “access to care urgently, ”summarized the Head of State, during his press conference at the Docks de Paris in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis) this Thursday.

In order to fight against medical deserts, the candidate pleads for “massive reinforcement”. He thus intends to install “punctual hotlines in the least endowed territories, develop teleconsultation” and add “a fourth year of boarding school for general practitioners in rural areas”. This last measure should be “used more to incentivize semesters in medical deserts”, he developed.

“I am not in favor of it being systematically taken to these medical deserts, but for an incentive policy which can involve better remuneration and better support in terms of housing”, he specified. “I am not in favor of the strict obligation, he added. If we entered into a complete restrictive system, we would risk seeing people leaving the profession. »

“Simplify hospital governance”

“The French system treats well but it prevents less well than other systems”, further estimated Emmanuel Macron. Faced with this situation, it wants to strengthen prevention, by improving early detection of cases of obesity or hyperactivity and setting up health check-ups at 25, 45 and 60 years old.

The Head of State also wants to continue investments to improve the remuneration of caregivers, while many “suffer from no longer finding meaning” in their profession. He also wants to help city doctors, such as dentists, to take on more patients and set up a system of “referents” for “simple acts”, which could be “nurses or pharmacists nearby”.

50,000 nurses and caregivers recruited for nursing homes

The second major health project will be to “simplify the governance of hospitals by remedicating it”, said Emmanuel Macron.

For nursing homes, which were shaken almost two months ago by the Orpea scandal, the president-candidate proposes, if he is re-elected, to recruit 50,000 nurses and nursing assistants in these establishments and to strengthen “the controls to be able to fight against inhuman and degrading practices”.

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