Presidential, D-12: Valérie Pécresse always further from the account

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Election results alert

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To situate the presidential candidates less than a month before the election, Le Parisien offers you, from Monday to Saturday, a daily poll – called “rolling poll” – carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria, with our partner Franceinfo. Here’s what to remember from the twelfth edition, this Saturday.

Marine Le Pen gives herself some air. The candidate has gained more than three points since our investigation started on March 12. Only Jean-Luc Mélenchon is able to maintain an identical dynamic. The RN candidate is given 19.5% of the voting intentions, at its highest. The rebellious candidate is more than 4 points behind (with a margin of error between 2.3 and 2.5 points).

Macron serene, but. If he keeps a very comfortable mattress, the outgoing head of state is now credited with 27% of the voting intentions, ie 4 points less than on March 18 (margin of error of 2.8 points). Nothing to scare him for the moment, but the results of the first round could well end up being closer than expected. In the second round, he was given the winner in all cases, with 56% of the votes against Marine Le Pen and 60% against Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Pecresses under 10%. Obviously, the margin of error of 1.8 points calls for caution. But the candidate LR returns this Tuesday under the very psychological bar of 10% of voting intentions. Our survey shows a sluggish campaign that never takes off, nor does it fall off. Éric Zemmour has seen his curve go up for four days.

Does Mélenchon have a voice reserve? This is the question that undoubtedly burns the lips of rebellious France as the first round approaches. At the very least, our survey shows that nearly 25% of voters say they currently prefer to turn to Yannick Jadot or Fabien Roussel on April 10. Will Mélenchon manage to bring them back to the fold? This will be one of the key factors in this first round.

The participation index is not racing. It is nevertheless close to the highest observed since the start of our survey, with 68% of French people of voting age who would go to the polling stations if the ballot were held today.

Methodology: survey conducted online from March 25 to 29, 2022. About 500 people (out of a sample of 1,738 people registered on the electoral lists) were questioned every day via the Internet. The results presented show the accumulation of the interviews carried out over the last three days. This barometer tracks voting intentions and opinion on a day-to-day basis. Quota method. Source: Ipsos-Sopra Steria for Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France and Franceinfo.

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