Presidential debate: “climatosceptic” against “climato-hypocrite” … Le Pen and Macron are fighting over ecology

by time news

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, as on many other program points, defended two radically different visions of ecology during the presidential debate between the two rounds on Wednesday April 20. Once again, the invectives were quick to invite themselves into the discussions, the president-candidate accusing the RN candidate of “climatosceptic”, the latter then qualifying him as “climato-hypocrite”.

“The economic model based on free trade is responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions”, first assured Marine Le Pen, choosing “localism” and “the relocation of production “. According to her, it is necessary “to ensure that communities and the State commit to buying not organic, no, French. That we can have French products in the collective canteens of our country”.

“Your program has neither head nor tail”

“Your program has neither head nor tail,” retorted the head of state. According to him, we cannot blame imports for emitting greenhouse gases when we want, like the candidate of the RN, to subsidize the largest part of imports, that is to say oil, by lowering VAT. “You are climatosceptic”, further supported the outgoing president. “I am absolutely not climatosceptic but you are a bit climato-hypocritical”, retorted Marine Le Pen, accusing the outgoing president of doing “the worst of punitive ecology”.

Discussions then refocused on nuclear and renewable energies. “We lost 10 years destabilizing a nuclear sector that needed to be strengthened, supported to allow this low-carbon tool to become a base for our energy independence”, regretted Marine Le Pen, for whom, conversely ” wind power is the worst” for France’s energy future.

“All nuclear” not possible, according to Macron

“I met all the fishermen: they are upwind” facing the installation of wind turbines at sea, she assured. “Dismantling the wind turbines that exist”, it “costs crazy money”, opposed Emmanuel Macron. “There is not a word about ecology in your 22 measures on France”, he further supported, ensuring that wind power allows “creating jobs” in France.

Marine Le Pen then tried to take advantage of Emmanuel Macron’s changes in nuclear power. “You planned to close 14 nuclear reactors and at the end of your mandate you say to yourself that you were wrong”, she accused, reproaching the outgoing president for not having “a vision” and for having “put France in great difficulty. »

“I had a real desire and I raised the subject of the reduction in nuclear power in 2018, which had been voted on in 2015. I asked RTE for an analysis and when they returned it, I followed it” , he objected, before recalling in passing that RTE considers the program of the candidate “untenable”. “There is no exit from fossil fuels that go through all nuclear,” he continued, quoting the IPCC report, and adding that the new nuclear power plants wanted by Marine Le Pen “will not start before 2035”.

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