Presidential: Emmanuel Macron wishes to tighten the conditions of access to the RSA

by time news

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal hinted at it on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron confirmed it on Thursday: the president-candidate proposes to condition the active solidarity income (RSA) to a minimum of activity.

“The beneficiaries of the RSA today were the victims of our poor collective organization and our nation organized itself first by dividing skills”, lamented the outgoing president during a press conference in Aubervilliers (Seine- Saint-Denis), considering that “no one considers that this dignity is recognized, respected, with a benefit”. “So, everyone needs a subsistence income, but we need to be able to better support each and everyone, recognize their dignity, and ask them to share in their duty for all those who can,” he continued. .

Emmanuel Macron thus evoked the obligation to devote 15 to 20 hours per week for an activity of return to employment. The favorite in the polls drew a parallel between this desired reform of the RSA and “the youth employment contract for 18 to 25 year olds” which came into force at the beginning of March, whose allocation of a maximum of 500 euros is subject to conditions, in particular “an intensive course with a systematic, sustained and regular implementation” and whose non-compliance with obligations exposes to graduated sanctions.

1.91 million households

“I did not want to do the RSA for 18-25 year olds because I consider that it is in a way to satisfy us with the idea that we would treat poverty or precariousness only through monetary benefits”, justified the Head of State, defending the idea of ​​”ask for a share of effort for all those who can”.

The RSA guarantees certain people without resources a minimum level of income which varies according to the composition of the household. It is open, under certain conditions, to people aged at least 25, as well as to young workers aged 18 to 24 if they are single parents or have a certain length of professional activity.

At the end of September 2021, the number of RSA beneficiaries was estimated at 1.91 million households. The total amount committed was nearly 2.90 billion euros in the third quarter of 2021, continuing the decrease that began at the end of 2020, according to the National Family Allowance Fund.

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