Presidential live: Anne Hidalgo, first of 12 candidates to vote

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The essential

  • It’s D-Day! You can vote until 7 p.m. tonight, and even 8 p.m. in major cities. Subscribe to our alert here to receive the results in your municipality.
  • Health, safety, pensions, economy… Find at a glance the programs of the twelve candidates.
  • Still undecided? There’s still time to take our quiz to find out which candidate you’re closest to.
  • Macron and Le Pen neck and neck, Mélenchon in ambush, record number of undecided and level of abstention… why nothing is decided yet.
  • Duel for first place between Macron and Le Pen, accession to the second round for Mélenchon, battle for 3rd or 4th place between Zemmour and Pécresse… The challenges of the first round for each candidate.


How do I find my polling station?

It’s time to go vote and you don’t know where your polling station is? Do not panic ! It’s on your voter’s card and, if you don’t have one, can be found on this government site. We explain everything to you in this article.

LP / Arnaud Journois


Anne Hidalgo, first candidate to vote

The socialist candidate is the very first of the 12 to go to her polling station this Sunday, in the 15th arrondissement of the capital. She is accompanied by her husband, former deputy Jean-Marc Germain.


Nicolas Sarkozy is early

The former President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, has just arrived at his polling station in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. He was welcomed there by the mayor, Francis Szpiner.


Where do candidates vote?

Without great suspense, Emmanuel Macron will vote in Le Touquet, where he has a residence. Marine Le Pen will also vote in Pas-de-Calais, in Hénin-Beaumont. It is in the neighboring department of the North, in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, that Fabien Roussel will vote.

Three candidates will do their civic duty in Paris: Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot and Eric Zemmour. In Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse should vote in Vélizy-Villacoublay (Yvelines), Nathalie Arthaud in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis) and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan in Yerres (Essonne).

Elsewhere, in France, the vote of Philippe Poutou is expected in Bordeaux, that of Jean Lassalle in Lourdios-Ichère (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) and that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Marseille.


Light health protocol

Despite the resumption of Covid-19, the health protocol is very light in the polling stations. If hydroalcoholic gel is available, wearing a mask is not compulsory (but it remains recommended), there is no gauge or compulsory distancing, however “the entrance and the exit must be separated to avoid situations of great promiscuity”, specifies the government. This is enough to worry the most vulnerable people, who will also have the right to request priority direct access from the outside.


Edouard Philippe is early

The former Prime Minister and current mayor of Le Havre, Edouard Philippe, is already voting in the city he leads.


Let’s go !

It is 8 am: it is the opening time of the polling stations in mainland France. They will be open until 7 p.m. in most of the country and until 8 p.m. in some cities.


Participation overseas

Overseas territories have already started to vote, due to the time difference. And the attendance at midday is rather low. In New Caledonia, which started voting on Saturday, the turnout at noon peaked at 17.59% against 19.86% 5 years ago. In Polynesia, it was 12.34% at noon against 22.24% at the same time in 2017, according to estimates by the High Commission.

In Guadeloupe, the turnout at 5 p.m. was 37.08%, more than in 2017 when it was 34.17%. It is 34.6% in Guyana at the same time (against 37.31% in 2017), 35.1% in Martinique (34.82% in 2017).


Opening of polling stations in mainland France

After part of the overseas territories on Saturday, the opening of the polling stations takes place at 8:00 a.m. in mainland France this Sunday. The verdict of the polls is expected at 8:00 p.m., with the first estimates from polling institutes.


Good morning !

And welcome to this live. You can follow this day of the first round here, from the votes of the candidates to the various political reactions in the evening, including the statements of participation (at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m.) and the elements of our reporters in the field. From 8 p.m., articles devoted to the results of each candidate, based on our Ipsos Steria estimates, will be published. You can also follow our live videos with our journalists and our correspondents in the field, whether on Snapchat or our various social networks. Finally, throughout the evening, you will find analyzes by our specialists and interviews with experts.

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