Presidential live: Emmanuel Macron clarifies his pension reform project

by time news


Marine Le Pen has revised her position on the death penalty

The candidate affirmed this Friday morning that the implementation of a referendum on the death penalty would be unconstitutional. However, she had defended this possibility in previous elections, as our journalist points out.


Bayrou sets its conditions on the pension reform

Invited this morning on RTL, the former Minister of Justice defends the pension reform carried out by Emmanuel Macron, with two precautions. “The first of these precautions is we must take into account those who started working early and we must take into account the arduousness,” he said. It also calls for more progressiveness by considering a “voluntary” extension of the retirement age.


A Prime Minister from the left? ” Why not “

In conclusion to his interview with Franceinfo, Emmanuel Macron says he does not rule out the appointment of a prime minister from the ranks of the left in the event of victory. He promises to associate “all the talents” who would like to join him in a possible second term, praising the merits of his budget minister Olivier Dussopt, who had “not voted for the first budgets in 2017”.


Macron denies the existence of an agreement with Sarkozy

Emmanuel Macron denies having concluded a pact with Nicolas Sarkozy on the name of the future prime minister in the event of an election, in exchange for his support. “To have President Sarkozy, yesterday President Hollande calling to vote for the outgoing president, is rather a strength,” he said.


“We must think about the after 50 years”

Emmanuel Macron returns to his pension reform. For him, his project will improve the employment rate of seniors. It defends the means implemented in recent years on the training of the unemployed and people at the end of their careers.


Macron defends the paid internship in vocational high school

The outgoing president reaffirms his desire to implement an allowance for high school students in the vocational stream during their compulsory internships in companies. A measure demanded for a long time for these students often from disadvantaged backgrounds. We gave you more details on this project in this article a few weeks ago.


Marine Le Pen cajoles artists… and tackles certain athletes

“I don’t understand why artists oppose my project. I want to create an artists’ nursery,” she defends. Regarding the athletes, several representatives of whom have signed a forum in Le Parisien calling for a block to the RN, she replies that they “earn a very good living” and that “they must show generosity and fraternity” .


No “genocide” but “war crimes” in Ukraine, according to Le Pen

“I would not speak of genocide, but it is certain that these are war crimes”, advances Marine Le Pen, joining the line of Emmanuel Macron. Abroad, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau accuse Vladimir Putin of “genocide” in Ukraine.


On the verge of officials index

Emmanuel Macron indicates that the minimum civil service index, for category C, will be increased by 34 euros per month on May 1. The candidate then promises a reform in the summer. He promises a “revaluation of the point” without giving more details.


“Secularism is a law of freedom”

Candidate Macron indicates that the “question of the veil is not an obsession”. He believes that the veil is a “symptom” of tension in the country. He says he does not have the ambition to change the rules, whether for school outing guides or on the subject of the veil at university.


A referendum on the death penalty?

“We can’t, it’s unconstitutional”, replies Marine Le Pen on BFMTV, after having however hinted that she did not exclude it.


Macron says he is in favor of a reform of the AAH

Questioned by a person with a disability who is about to get married and risks losing his disabled adult allowance, the outgoing president says he is in favor of a reform aimed at responding to this problem, without explicitly pronouncing himself in favor of deconjugalization, as the did several of his opponents in the first round.


Marine Le Pen wants to “solve the problem of immigration”

“I will solve the problem of immigration, and incidentally that of communitarianism”, develops the candidate RN. She defends her measure to “ensure that asylum applications can only be filed at any consulate” abroad.


Macron says he is “outraged” by the remuneration of Carlos Tavares

The outgoing president calls for “lead the fight in Europe” to fight against abusive remuneration. The boss of Stellantis, ex PSA group, should receive 19 million euros this year. Emmanuel Macron calls for a European reform to regulate these remunerations.


What if there is a “no” vote in the referendum?

“There can be no [mesures] which go against the fundamental text” of the Constitution, defends Marine Le Pen. “Solidarity belongs to the people, who exercise it through their representatives or through the referendum,” she adds. If the “no” wins the referendum she wants, she does not plan to leave power.


Emmanuel Macron clarifies his pension reform

The outgoing President of the Republic indicates that the indexation of retirement pensions to inflation will take place this summer. The revaluation of the minimum pension to 1100 euros for a full career will take place in a second stage. Emmanuel Macron also affirmed that the age of cancellation of the discount (from which one can benefit from a pension at the full rate even without having contributed in full) will not change and will remain at 67 years old.


Le Pen defends his differences

“In a democracy, we confront each other on ideas, on the project. We have the right to have a different thought ”, develops on BFMTV the candidate RN, defending in particular her project of referendum on a reform of the Constitution.


Emmanuel Macron wants to go further on “water quality and air quality”

Emmanuel Macron affirms his intention to complete his program with proposals formulated by candidates who have called to vote in his favor. He should give more details during his meeting scheduled for tomorrow in Marseille.


Emmanuel Macron is the guest of Franceinfo

The outgoing president calls on the French to agree to vote for the program to which they feel closest, even if some disagreements remain.


The disgruntled students have all left the Sorbonne


Brigitte Macron would stack well five more years

The head of state’s wife wanted to reassure her husband’s voters about his desire to stay at the heart of power for five more years. “Even if, of course, there are constraints (…) I am ready” to stay five more years in the event of victory on April 24, she said. “She accepted and I thank her very much”, welcomed the president-candidate at the beginning of April on RTL, acknowledging that this represented “a lot of sacrifices for the relatives”.


Marine Le Pen seeks to reassure the world of culture

The candidate assures that she will not question the status of the intermittents du spectacle. She reaffirms that she will never question


“We urgently need to change the economic model”

Faced with climate change, Marine Le Pen affirms that the solution lies in localism and the repatriation of our production tools.


Marine Le Pen promises to “return” people who are “harmful to our territory”

The RN candidate reaffirms her immigration project by affirming that once elected to the presidency of the Republic, she will expel foreign “delinquents” from France. She adds that “foreign workers who come to work in France must meet their own needs”.


Marine Le Pen is a guest of France Bleu Vaucluse

The RN candidate addresses the voters of Eric Zemmour by affirming that “his program should suit them”. She goes on to believe that according to her, Marion Maréchal would not want to join her government. Marine Le Pen said this week that neither Eric Zemmour nor Marion Maréchal would join a potential government.

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