Presidential live: Eric Zemmour says he is “philosophically” opposed to dual nationality

by time news

The essential

  • The electoral billboards have flourished in all the cities of France, just eleven short days before the first round of the presidential election.
  • Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron still has a comfortable mattress in the first round in the polls, but may be somewhat wary of Marine Le Pen’s progress.
  • After contamination with Covid-19, Valérie Pécresse has found a taste for the physical campaign. She made a trip to Hauts-de-France on Tuesday.
  • On the other hand, the LR candidate must do without the support of Nicolas Sarkozy, who according to our information declined his invitation to the Versailles meeting, scheduled for this Sunday.


Retailleau accuses Macron of “campaigning with French money”

The boss of the LR senators, support of Valérie Pécresse, denounced this morning on France 2 an “electoralist gesture” in the “fuel discount” which is to come into force on Friday. “It’s been a long time since the French have noticed the increase in” fuel “prices and coincidentally we are returning 18 cents 10 days before the first round of the presidential election, even though according to our calculations, the State is pocketing probably 25 cents,” he explains. “So we ask with Valérie Pécresse that the State restores all the sums it has received, around 25 cents”.


Eric Zemmour reacts to the “Macron assassin” controversy

“I would not have said it”, assures Eric Zemmour on CNews. “It happened at a specific moment, when I was talking about Patrick Jardin who had lost his daughter at the Bataclan, people were moved, were in communion”, he apologizes, before attacking Emmanuel Macron . “He makes a joke about my hearing abilities. I don’t care, but it’s very revealing. He has nothing to do with the suffering of the French. I don’t care, I don’t want the French to suffer anymore. »


“We are not angry”, says Eric Zemmour about Marine Le Pen

Distanced in most polls, the candidate claims to be in favor of the reconciliation of the rights, while saying he is certain of his qualification to come in the second round.


Putin will be “outlawed by the international community”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon asserts that the French must “be absolutely sovereign” and thus defends the need to be non-aligned. “The French must be non-aligned, which does not mean neutral (…) And Mr. Poutine must not dream, he will be banned from the international community”


Zemmour is “philosophically” against dual nationality

The Reconquest candidate thus defends his proposal to strip foreign offenders and multi-recidivist bi-nationals of their nationality.


“Emmanuel Macron always changes his mind about everything”

Eric Zemmour expresses a criticism quite identical to that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on BFMTV, that of the “chameleon”. “Emmanuel Macron always changes his mind on everything, except on Europe”, he denounces.


Yannick Jadot denounces a “five-year term delivered to lobbies”


Eric Zemmour attributes his drop in the polls to the war in Ukraine

On BFMTV, the candidate believes that if attention has turned away from him in recent weeks, it is only because of the war in Ukraine, which would have diverted its electorate in particular from the April 10 election.


“We are at the end of a cycle”

” Another world is possible “. On France inter, the candidate Mélenchon remains on his line, the one he hopes will be able to lead him to the second round. “The other model”, the end of a system, that of money, and of liberalism. “We are at the end of a cycle and we have to invent another world,” he explains.


Jadot denounces the closeness between Macron and the world of hunting

The candidate reacts to the interview given by Willy Schraen, the president of the Federation of hunters, in our columns this Wednesday morning. “We have a federation president who announces in the newspaper this morning the announcements that will be made by the President of the Republic”, he denounces.


Jadot calls for an embargo on Russian gas and oil

On CNews, the green candidate expressed hope with the prospect of negotiations between Vladimir Putin and President Zelensky. But he insists on the need to maintain strong support for the Ukrainian forces, in order to maintain pressure on the Russian president. The candidate maintains that the Total group is complicit in “war crimes”. The oil group, remember, has decided to file a complaint against him.


Poutou denounces the “criminal policies” led by Macron

The candidate was invited to respond to the controversy aroused during Eric Zemmour’s meeting last Sunday at the Trocadero. If he refused to use the term “Macron assassin”, the NPA candidate does not hesitate on the other hand to speak of “criminal policies” carried out during this five-year term, whether it is the “management of hospital” or “the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia”.


“Especially not Putin”

The candidate is asked about the Head of State he would like to meet once elected President of the Republic. “Especially not Putin,” he retorts immediately. Poutou/Poutin, we can confuse but it is not the same”.


Philippe Poutou proposes to limit the biggest salaries

On RTL, the NPA candidate believes that maximum salaries should not exceed five times the minimum wage. “The only way to have an economy that works is to put it under total control”. The candidate defends the need to expropriate the banks without compensation, to defend the interests of the population.


Agriculture returns to the debates

Six candidates will go to Besançon this Wednesday as part of the FNSEA congress. Valérie Pécresse (LR), Marine Le Pen (RN), Eric Zemmour (Reconquest), the communist Fabien Roussel and Jean Lassalle will be on the trip. Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, taken by a Defense Council followed by a Council of Ministers, will address farmers on video.


The second round debate will take place on April 20


The presidential squats the mornings

The candidates jostle in the media. Among the candidates, we will follow this Wednesday morning Philippe Poutou on RTL, Yannick Jadot on CNews, Nathalie Arthaud on Sud Radio, Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France inter, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Eric Zemmour on BFMTV.


Hello and welcome to the Parisian website.

We are going to follow together a new day of electoral campaign. There are only eleven left before the first round!

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