Presidential live: “I have never looked down on the French because I owe them everything” assures Macron

by time news


“We have created one million net jobs during this five-year period. Is it left or right? »

“We have made reforms that the right has never done. We have created one million net jobs during this five-year period. Is it left or right? If we don’t produce more, we can’t finance our social model. If we want a social policy that corrects social inequalities, then we must produce more and we must also work more. But it must be done gradually,” insists the president.


“I never looked down on the French because I owe them everything”

“The time for debate and confrontation is the second round. I have never looked down on the French because I owe them everything, but power isolates” assures the outgoing president. “I never hid. I have always been in contact during my tenure. Rare are the presidents who have met so many French people,” he adds.


“I have the spirit of conquest rather than the spirit of defeat” explains Macron

” Are you afraid ? asks the RTL journalist. I never think like that. I see myself as always having to conquer. I don’t take things for granted. I’m not overconfident or nervous. I have the spirit of conquest rather than the spirit of defeat,” explains Emmanuel Macron on RTL.


Last busy day of campaigning for candidates

Emmanuel Macron is giving an interview on RTL this morning and another at 7:00 p.m. on the online media Brut, popular with young people. Morning show also for Marine Le Pen also on Franceinfo from Perpignan, then she will go to meditate in front of the Wall of the French disappeared in Algeria.

On the right, Valérie Pécresse, elbow-to-elbow around 9% with the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour, will be in Cairanne (Vaucluse) to discuss with winegrowers, while Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France, 2 %) makes a “toll operation” on that of Saint-Arnoult (Yvelines) and goes to Mont Valérien.

The ecologist Yannick Jadot (5%) is visiting Lyon “the largest public biomass boiler room in France”. Still on the left, the communist Fabien Roussel (5%) holds an “end-of-campaign Apéroussel” in Paris, while the NPA candidate Philippe Poutou and the Lutte Ouvrière candidate Nathalie Arthaud (1% each) hold their last meetings in Grenoble. for the first and Rouen for the second.


Macron, “boxer stunned” by crises for Marine Le Pen

At a meeting in Perpignan on Thursday evening, Ms. Le Pen judged that “the alternative is simple: it will be either dilution in a great global magma via a European Union which is the prelude to it, or the affirmation of the Nation” as ” most protective space for our people”. She exclusively attacked Emmanuel Macron, “boxer stunned” by crises.


It votes tomorrow overseas

In Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, in Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and in French Polynesia where the ballot is brought forward to Saturday, the campaign ended locally Thursday at midnight.


“The McKinsey debate is a huge lie and a huge manipulation. It’s not friends we hire! for Macron

“In a country that has the most civil servants per capita in Europe! McKinsey is a “pouillème” of this famous billion (from invoices to offices) ! And 75% of this figure relates to IT services for the Covid and for cybersecurity. The McKinsey debate is a huge lie and a huge manipulation. It’s not friends we hire! “President Emmanuel Macron defends himself in our face to the readers to find here.


Today’s radio program

RTL – 07H35 – Emmanuel Macron, LREM

FRANCE 2 – 07H38 – Jean Lassalle

08:10 – Fabien Roussel, PCF

EUROPE 1 – 08:13/09:00 – Nathalie Arthaud, Workers’ Struggle

CNEWS – 08H15 – Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, DLF

08:30 – Eric Zemmour, Reconquest!

FRANCE INFO – 08:30 – Marine Le Pen, RN

RMC / BFMTV – 08H30 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon, LFI


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