Presidential live: Macron holds his first (and only) major campaign meeting this Saturday

by time news

The essential

  • Eight days before the first round, Emmanuel Macron remains the big favorite for his re-election, according to our daily poll, but the gap with Marine Le Pen is narrowing.
  • The candidate Macron is holding his big campaign meeting this Saturday at La Défense Arena. Around 35,000 activists are expected to fill the compound.
  • Several candidates, including Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot, will speak at a public meeting this Sunday.
  • Are you still undecided? Take our quiz to find out which candidate is closest to you.


LREM activists worried


Shadow Advisor

Both a companion and “conductor” of Eric Zemmour’s campaign, Sarah Knafo is ultra present in the entourage of the candidate Reconquête!… at the risk of attracting some criticism. The Parisian draws his portrait.


Ask for the program of the day

Emmanuel Macron is holding his first (and only) major campaign meeting this afternoon, at La Défense Arena, in front of 35,000 activists. He is due to speak shortly after 4 p.m. Fabien Roussel organizes a public meeting in Villeurbanne, Philippe Poutou in Paris.


J-8 !

In eight days, nearly 49 million voters will be called to the polls for the first round of the presidential election. According to our daily poll, turnout would reach almost 70% if the vote were held today.


Good morning all !

Welcome to follow, with us, all the news related to the presidential campaign this Saturday, April 2.

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