Presidential live: “This morning, Reconquest is the only major right-wing party”, judge Guillaume Peltier

by time news

The essential

  • Out of 97% of the ballots counted, Emmanuel Macron obtained 27.60% of the vote last night, Marine Le Pen 23.41%. For the president of the RN, a new challenge is coming.
  • To find results in your city, go here.
  • Abstention reached a quarter (25.14%) of those registered. It is one of the ten lessons to be learned from this first round.
  • As of yesterday evening Anne Hidalgo and Valérie Pécresse, Yannick Jadot and Fabien Roussel, clearly called to vote for Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came 3rd, did not give voting instructions but asked that Marine Le Pen not pass.


In Rennes too, violence punctuated the election night

About 500 people, mainly young people, marched through the streets of the city center chanting anti-capitalist and anti-fascist slogans. “The youth fucks national fascism, Le Pen fascist dynasty”, “Burn the right”, “social war” or even “Pinault execution” in allusion to the Breton businessman, so many tags inscribed on facades.

Street furniture was destroyed and windows of bank branches were damaged.

“I strongly condemn the damage committed this evening in the city center of Rennes. Democracy is not and it will never be violence or vandalism,” reacted socialist mayor Nathalie Appéré.


The Greens are already focusing on the legislative elections

“Obviously we expected better, we had seen it coming for several days. It’s hard but environmentalists have seen others, ”said Europe 1 Marine Tondelier (EELV). “The question is how we rebuild, how we start the 2nd half, which is that of the legislative elections.


“This morning, Reconquest is the only major right-wing party”

“Despite the useful vote, having gathered more than 2.5 million French people is a huge hope”, assures on BFM the spokesperson for Eric Zemmour Guillaume Peltier, that his candidate will exploit “in the weeks” to to come. A certainty, for him: “this morning, Reconquest is the only major right-wing party, I appeal to all orphan right-wing voters”. And the former Republican calls for Marine Le Pen to vote in the second round.


The almost final results are

97% of the ballots were counted

Emmanuel Macron = 27.60% Marine Le Pen = 23.41% Jean-Luc Mélenchon = 21.95 Éric Zemmour = 7.05 Valérie Pécresse = 4.79 Yannick Jadot = 4.58 Jean Lassalle = 3.16 Fabien Roussel = 2.31 Nicolas Dupont- Aignan 2.07Anne Hidalgo = 1.74Philippe Poutou = 0.77Nathalie Arthaud = 0.57


Incidents last night in Lyon

A hundred people, according to the prefecture, expressed their dissatisfaction after the announcement of the results, in the district of Croix-Rousse. They used fireworks mortars, broke a bus shelter and threw projectiles at the windows of the town hall, even disrupting the counting. “The assessors took them out and blocked the doors to allow the smooth counting of the ballots to finish,” explained the mayor of the 1st arrondissement, Yasmine Bouagga (EELV) to France 3 Rhône-Alpes.


Bayrou’s analysis

The result of the first round “is an incredible denial to all those who claimed that the President of the Republic no longer had the confidence of the French, that he might be behind Mrs. Le Pen, or even not in the second round”, analyzes François Bayrou in our newspaper. The president of the MoDem, the ally of 2017, however, warns against “false euphoria”. His interview can be found here.


The disappointment of the Greens

With 4.58% of the vote (out of 97% of the ballots counted), despite the support of a large part of the French people for the imperative need to tackle environmental issues, the ecologist party recorded a net drop compared to to its scores in local elections, particularly municipal ones.


LR is doing very badly

Even with the “Penelope gate”, Fillon had managed, five years ago, to collect 20% of the votes in the first round. With her meager 4.79%, Valérie Pécresse records a score that does not allow her to obtain reimbursement for her campaign. For Republicans, a bleak future lies ahead.


There was no “Melenchada”

Some believed it for a whole part of the night and this word, contraction of Mélenchon and “remontada”, still agitates Twitter in the early morning. But the counting of the ballots did not contradict the result estimated at 8 p.m., and the team of the Insoumis candidate recorded its defeat shortly after 2:30 a.m.


On 97% of ballots counted

1.45 million votes share Marine Le Pen’s Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon missed 504,633 votes to qualify for the second round. That’s 100,000 fewer than he missed in 2017.


2022, repeated twice?

The day after the first round, everything seems like in 2017 and yet the two polls diverge. We explain why in this article.


Hello and welcome

It’s the next day. Follow with us the analyses, reactions, and projections the day after the first round.

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