Presidential: Macron or him … in Paris, Mélenchon forces a second round campaign

by time news

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon had undoubtedly checked the date of March 20 for a long time. Already in 2017, his march for the Sixth Republic had definitively launched his campaign. It was she who had triggered several weeks of an irresistible rise in the polls, going from 12% to a score of just over 19% on the evening of the first round.

The Popular Union candidate would sign with his eyes closed to reproduce the scenario. It also points to around this same threshold of 12% of voting intentions. And if there are only three weeks left before the first round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon knows that he will probably not need to finish at 19% to qualify. His only goal now.

Several tens of thousands of people had responded to the call of the Insoumis candidate. “I dedicate this popular gathering to the resistance of the Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion and to the courageous Russians who resist in their country against the war and the dictatorship”, immediately launched the deputy of the Bouches du Rhône. But on the Place de la République, Mélenchon only knew one opponent this Sunday. Emanuel Macron. “This vote is a social referendum, you have been warned! “, he attacked in his three-piece suit, his voice strong and assured. “Retirement at 65! Retirement at 65! Retirement at 65! “: Jean-Luc Mélenchon booed the project carried by the Head of State, before promising to sign on the first day of his presidency the decree which will record the increase in the minimum wage to 1,400 euros and the freezing of prices. The crowd, gathered around the statue of the Republic, exults.

The review of two worlds

Throughout his speech, Jean-Luc Mélenchon set out to set up this match which would oppose him to Emmanuel Macron. Even if the polls place him for the moment all behind Marine Le Pen, neck and neck with Éric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse. He relies on his dynamics.

So the candidate reviews these two worlds, these two visions of society that the French would now be responsible for deciding between. There is that of the outgoing majority. That of social damage, therefore, according to him. But also of the destruction of the school which would be at work. He denounces a “knowledge market”, which would mark the end of the republican school and of the one and indivisible French people. Promises him the abolition of Parcoursup, but also of all the diplomas which would not have national value.

Emmanuel Macron’s world would also be authoritarian. Mélenchon strangles himself against the 44 months spent since 2015 under the state of emergency, against all the laws taken in recent years in terms of security and maintaining order. And against the “police violence” perpetrated during the Yellow Vests movement. To this, he opposes his desire to grant amnesty to the condemned Yellow Vests, to reclassify and compensate the victims of amputation and blinding. Not to mention the reintegration of caregivers “chased out of the hospital. »

Emmanuel Macron’s world would be ecological? Mélenchon has fun. He makes fun of members of the government who talk about ecological planning. “Let them start by planning their own outing. Let them speak with our words. They spread them! They sow them! He believes that in the face of imminent danger, the urgency to act is absolute. “The order of the world will change. Many. In ten years, what you see will be profoundly reshaped. Climate change will have struck”, he professes, referring to “millions”, if not “billions” of displaced persons to come in the world.

Mélenchon’s project would be luminous. That of Emmanuel Macron much darker. “While I was speaking, a planetary event occurred,” he concludes. At 4:33 p.m., it was the spring equinox. Since that hour, day prevails over night! The sun has won! Caution, however, the weather forecast is not always accurate.

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