Presidential: Macron’s last meeting on Friday, to “seek the votes until the last day”

by time news

One more week to convince. “The choice of the French will crystallize very late, so it will be flat out in the home stretch. We will get the votes until the last day, ”sums up a campaign executive for president-candidate Emmanuel Macron. So, like the first week between the two rounds, where he went to the North, to the East and then to Normandy, the candidate will continue to move around in the field, “within reach of slap, it’s his bias, “insists his entourage.

After a Pascal Sunday devoted to his Elysian files, Macron will therefore most likely make three new outings by next Friday. As we revealed, heading to Île-de-France, perhaps Tuesday or Thursday, but also the province where he intends to go in Occitania, “then in Auvergne or Burgundy, the choice is not quite arrested,” we say.

“Contact with the French”

Friday, April 22, for this last day of the campaign, the trip will also be coupled with the organization of a new meeting, the third and last, after that of the Defense Arena in Nanterre, on April 2, and the great raout in outdoors in Marseille, this Saturday. “The three weeks before the first round, he was in the project and the pedagogy. The two weeks between the two rounds is contact with the French”, insists his staff, speaking of the “need to seek votes until the end”.

A week on all fronts, then. Including media, since Emmanuel Macron will participate Monday evening in the program “C à vous” on France 5, then at 20 Hours of France 2, in the morning of France Inter on Friday, as well as interviews with “influencers of the Web” we are told. All interspersed Wednesday with the biggest television piece of the campaign: the traditional debate against Marine Le Pen. A mobilization issue here too. But a challenge also for the two candidates: in 2017, their face-to-face had gathered 16.5 million viewers… the worst audience for a debate between two rounds.

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