Presidential: Mélenchon “rediscovers that the left exists”, mocks Hidalgo

by time news

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The reproaches and the regrets. Six days before the first round of the presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon “rediscovers that the left exists” when he had five years to “bring it together” and “he did not do it”, lamented this Tuesday Anne Hidalgo on franceinfo, already preparing for the reconstruction of her party. The socialist candidate for the Elysée, who is stagnating around 2% in the polls, repeated that if Emmanuel Macron was “no longer an option for people on the left”, vote for the LFI candidate, who reached around 15% voting intentions, was also “an impasse”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon “had five years to rally the left if he wanted to, he didn’t. Besides, it’s been a few years since he no longer calls himself left, but of the people, and there he rediscovers that the left exists, “she mocked, while the rebellious candidate is counting on an “effective vote on the left to advance to the second round.

“Someone who comes today to seek the votes of the left when he has fractured it and never wanted to make an alliance, or carry a common voice, including with the social democrats that I represent, it’s a dead end, ”she insisted.

Hidalgo seems to record his defeat

“I cannot forget these images where we see him confronting police officers, magistrates, saying that the Republic is him. The rule of law, respect for our institutions – even if they have to be changed – is something that must be at the heart of the political commitment of someone who would like to become president,” she said. also castigated.

The candidate seemed to acknowledge her defeat, answering a question from a listener who asked her if she would resume her duties as mayor of Paris on Monday. “Of course I love Paris and I will take care of Paris because it is my mission, but I want to get involved in this reconstruction of the left, so that the left will one day return to government, as quickly as possible” , she replied.

VIDEO. Presidential: “Join your family”, Hidalgo’s appeal to left-wing voters

“Over the past five years, my biggest regret is probably not being more involved in national politics,” she explained, assuring that she would be “engaged” in reconstruction. “You have this left in which I subscribe, which is present in all regions, departments, cities”, with “a new generation of elected officials”, “a team” ready “to rebuild a political offer”, she insisted. “Help us, people of the left, to rebuild something that makes you proud. We can stop this mess.”

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