Presidential: pensions, inheritance rights, work … What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s program

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He refuses to participate in debates against other candidates, but could not escape the presentation of his proposals to the press. President candidate Emmanuel Macron unveiled, this Thursday, March 17 in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis) his program for the presidential election, the first round of which is scheduled in 24 days. He spoke at a press conference at the Docks de Paris, facing an audience of 250 accredited journalists. Here’s everything you need to remember.

The President of the Republic said he wanted to present his vision of France for the next five years, and “even beyond”. This project, he says, is nourished by the crises experienced in recent years, and the return of the “tragic” on the European continent. “This new era of ours, the question is how we are going to approach it,” he said, criticizing without naming them the “fallback” programs offered by some of its competitors. Emmanuel Macron estimates the cost of his program at 50 billion euros per year, and at 15 billion the reduction in taxes.

Emmanuel Macron takes stock

The outgoing President began by defending his record, congratulating himself on having obtained a reduction in unemployment, on having lowered taxes or even on having lowered greenhouse gas emissions or even on having increased the budget of defense. “If the French trust me, what I am going to announce to you here will be implemented,” he continues. With you will not only be a slogan, it will also be a new method. »

The President of the Republic began by calling for a return to popular sovereignty. Our societies, which have become more technical, have tended to transfer a lot of decisions to independent structures, he regrets. He says he is building his project around three axes: “The first is that I am convinced that in the face of these major transitions, we will have to make sometimes historic choices. “. Second line of work, progress. The candidate calls on the French “to choose their side”. Third and last line of work: “humanism”.

Drive French growth

To strengthen the France of tomorrow, Emmanuel Macron promises new investments in research. To do this, it proposes to strengthen the autonomy of universities and to position research organizations in strategic sectors, to attract the best talent. The vocational high school will be reformed to make it a sector of excellence, by opening them up more to businesses. “We have far too many sectors which train young people who do not correspond to the labor market, he laments.

“We have to work harder”

The President of the Republic had already made it known: he wants the French to work more. He says he is aiming for full employment within five years. He promises to continue the simplification of the labor market, to continue the reform of unemployment insurance. Pôle emploi will be renamed “France travail” to bring together all the skills and promote the return to work.

The RSA will be transformed. “The beneficiaries of the RSA were in a way the victims of our poor collective organization”, he regrets. Emmanuel Macron expresses his desire to claim a share of duty from their beneficiaries, asking them to devote 15 to 20 hours per week to an activity, for those who can. “We need monetary support but we have to ask for a share of the effort,” he defends.

Increase retirement to 65

“It is normal, given the nature of public accounts that we work more,” he justifies. He announces a reform different from that promised in 2017, and finally abandoned. Emmanuel Macron proposes to gradually increase the legal retirement age to 65, taking into account long careers and disability issues as well as the difficulty of the tasks. The combined employment-retirement system will be simplified, he still promises. The minimum pension will be increased to 1,100 euros net.

To improve support for dependents, Emmanuel Macron proposes to increase the working time of caregivers in nursing homes by two hours. It also proposes to recruit 50,000 nurses and nursing assistants.

Make a better living

Emmanuel Macron has confirmed his wish to triple the Macron bonus, which will be increased from 1,000 to 3,000 euros. He still recorded the abolition of the TV license fee, as well as the reduction of charges for the independents. He also pleads for the reduction of inheritance tax. The aim is to increase the allowance on direct line inheritances to 150,000 euros against the current 100,000 euros, while extending the regime for direct line heirs to children of spouses. And for inheritances in indirect lines, he suggests increasing the allowance to 100,000 euros on small and medium-sized estates.

The Head of State also proposes to reform the time savings account, by monetizing it in money or in time. Emmanuel Macron wants to make it universal, while not all employees can currently benefit from it.

Fight against inequalities

Emmanuel Macron intends to unite society. To achieve this, “we must fight more against inequalities at the root,” he says. Priority will be given on this topic to child protection. The working time of those caring for children with disabilities will be increased to 35 hours, which is far from being the case at present, with a large proportion of part-time work. The Head of State also defends parental control of screens by default, and by fighting on a European scale for better regulation of platforms. The issue of cyberbullying must be made a priority.

Fight against discrimination

“The fight against discrimination in all forms must continue. We will put in place a systematic testing policy for each company with more than 100,000 employees”, defends Emmanuel Macron on this point.

“Solidarity at the source”

President Macron had completed the implementation of the withholding tax on income, decided by François Hollande. He proposes to go further by setting it up for social assistance. This should make it possible to put an end to the non-recourse, while many potential beneficiaries of the RSA today do not claim their due.

Single mothers will be able to benefit from an enforceable right to child custody. The childcare supplement will be extended to children aged 6 to 12 for single mothers, who will also be able to benefit from a 50% increase in family allowances.

Reform the school

In the spirit of candidate Macron, the fight against inequalities requires efforts in education and health. He believes that investments in these two sectors are not enough. “The subject is not whether we are going to revalue all the teachers but how we are going to succeed in changing the method”, he notes. It offers a wide consultation, to better recognize the work of teachers and reform the school. He says he is counting on several levers: a new pact for teachers, which must record an increase in remuneration in exchange for new missions, such as the replacement of absent teachers. The establishments, themselves, will have to be more independent, on the basis of the experiments carried out in Marseille.

With regard to lessons, Emmanuel Macron confirms the return of mathematics in the common core, but also the thirty minutes of sport per day. He also promises to extend the culture pass.

Better care for the French

In terms of health, the candidate president believes that priority must be given to prevention, by improving early detection of cases of obesity or hyperactivity. The Head of State wants to continue investments to improve the remuneration of caregivers, while many “suffer from no longer finding meaning” in their profession.

To fight against medical deserts, Emmanuel Macron says he wants to help city doctors take on more patients. It also proposes to appoint health professionals such as pharmacists or nurses as a referent for simple acts. Teleconsultation must be developed, as well as the fourth year of internship in deserted areas.

No to surrogacy, citizens’ agreement on the end of life

Emmanuel Macron is categorical: he is always opposed to surrogacy (GPA). “If the French trust me, I will continue to outlaw surrogacy in France. It is an issue of women’s dignity,” he says. With regard to the end of life, he wishes (if he is elected) to set up a citizens’ convention whose work will be submitted either to Parliament or to a referendum.

Continue the rearmament of the sovereign state

The candidate Macron intends to continue the fight against separatism, by attacking all forms of foreign interference. For daily security, he intends to create 200 gendarmerie brigades, triple anti-harassment fines, extend the possibility of filing a complaint online and introduce a massive cyber strategy with anti-scam filters. Emmanuel Macron wants to recruit 8,500 magistrates and justice personnel and reform the code of criminal procedure.

Reform institutions

“I did not succeed in carrying out the reform of the institutions”, conceded Emmanuel Macron. He explains that he wants to strengthen the Parliament, and always says he is in favor of the introduction of a proportional share, which will have to be evaluated within the framework of a cross-party commission.

Master the borders

Emmanuel Macron promises to overhaul the organization of the right of asylum and residence by acknowledging that the refusal of asylum is equivalent to an obligation to leave French territory. The Head of State intends to make progress in the field of integration. This is to invest in language courses, and in a better distribution on the territory. He promises not to renew the residence permits of those who have committed disturbances to public order. Long residence permits will be conditional on a French exam and a professional project.

Strengthen defense independence…

In this context of war, Emmanuel Macron says he wants to make France a more independent nation. To achieve this, the outgoing president says he is counting on an increased commitment at European level, within the framework of the European Defense Investment Fund. It calls for new investments in advanced technologies. This independence must also concern the French. The number of reservists will be doubled, he promises, whether in the military or in the civilian sector. The candidate proposes to generalize civic service. But also to put in place a “civil mobilization plan”, which will go through a reinforcement of strategic stocks.

… Energy

This independence is not just about security. Emmanuel Macron intends to carry it also in our agriculture. He proposes to “transform” the sector, by helping the renewal of generations, “within the framework of an agricultural programming law”. Efforts will be made, he said, on the training of young farmers and land.

Energy independence, too. Emmanuel Macron proposes planning by sectors declined territories by territories. We need to change price formation at European level, he believes, referring in particular to the subject of electricity prices. The candidate recalls his plan to build six new reactors and invest in offshore wind power. “50 offshore wind farms will be deployed by 2050”, he promises, adding that he wants to renovate at least 700,000 homes per year and to implement industrial independence, in terms of electric vehicles, wind power and solar power.

… and culture

On this point, Emmanuel Macron says he wants to launch states general for the right to information. He adds that he wants to continue helping artists to create. “We will defend authors’ rights and neighboring rights at European level, and we will fight to build a European metaverse. »

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