Presidential poll 2022: after the debate, Emmanuel Macron further widens the gap with Marine Le Pen

by time news

A debate between rounds is rarely decisive, but it sometimes accentuates tendencies. Will that happen this year? The day after the Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen face-to-face, the president-candidate in any case accentuates his lead in our daily Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll. Exceptionally, the sample of 1600 French people was surveyed this Thursday, and not over three days. Here are the main lessons.

Macron likely winner. The Head of State now collects 57.5% of voting intentions, against 42.5% for Marine Le Pen (margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 points each time). The gap between the two candidates is therefore 15 points, against eight points on the evening of the first round, April 10. However, it remains much smaller than in 2017. Five years ago, Emmanuel Macron won with 66.1% of the votes cast, against 33.9% for the RN candidate.

Who convinced the most during the debate between the two rounds? 43% of respondents answer Emmanuel Macron, and 24% were more convinced by Marine Le Pen. The last third believes that there has not really been a winner. In addition, half of the voters of Yannick Jadot and 43% of those of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round consider that the president-candidate was the most convincing.

Le Pen penalized by poor vote reports. Only 18% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters in the first round intend to vote for Marine Le Pen in the second, against 34% who say they want to slip in a Macron ballot this Sunday. 49% of respondents who voted for Valérie Pécresse are heading for a Macron vote, against 13% in favor of Le Pen.

A lower participation than in 2017? The participation index is between 71 and 75%, with an average weight of 73%. This would possibly be a little less than in the second round of 2017 (74.6%), but also than in the first round of April 10 (73.7%). There are barely more than 24 hours left for the two candidates and their supporters to convince as many French people as possible to go to the polls.

Methodology: survey conducted online this Thursday on a sample of more than 1,600 people questioned by Internet. This barometer tracks voting intentions and opinion on a day-to-day basis. Quota method. Source: Ipsos-Sopra Steria for Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France and Franceinfo.

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