Presidential: subscribe to our alert to receive the results in your municipality

by time news

It is a device designed for you that Le Parisien is deploying, on the occasion of the first round of the presidential election, this Sunday, April 10. From 8 p.m. and as soon as the results are published in your municipality, we invite you to receive the results that interest you directly in your mailbox, by registering now via our form.

To subscribe to this results alert, nothing could be simpler: fill in our form with the postal code of the municipality that interests you. You can even enter several postal codes and the results for each municipality will be sent to you.

If you are already connected to Le Parisien, your registration will be taken into account immediately. If not, you will be asked to sign in or create an account if you don’t have one. It is not necessary to subscribe to a subscription to benefit from it.

In addition to sending the results by email, Le Parisien will offer you this Sunday a complete editorial offer, in order to follow the first round of the election as well as possible. A live broadcast, launched at dawn, will allow you to follow the entire election day, from the votes of the candidates to the various political reactions in the evening, including the statements of participation (at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m.) and the elements of our reporters. in the field. From 8 p.m., articles devoted to the results of each candidate, based on Ipsos Steria estimates, will be published, before being supplemented throughout the evening with the complete results. Very quickly, you will also find the analyzes of our specialists and interviews with experts.

The first round of the presidential election opposes 12 candidates: Nathalie Arthaud, Fabien Roussel, Emmanuel Macron, Jean Lassalle, Marine Le Pen, Éric Zemmour, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Valérie Pécresse, Philippe Poutou and Nicolas Dupont -Aignan. To help you make a choice, you can discover their main proposals thanks to our program comparator. Le Parisien has also set up a simulator to determine which candidate is closest to you.

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