Presidential: there is still time to make your power of attorney, here is how to proceed

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“It took me three minutes,” says Christiane, voter in Roscoff (Finistère). “I had it for more than an hour and I caught the start of a cold in the tail”, grinds Edith, who was less lucky at Les Lilas (Seine-Saint-Denis). Four days before the first round of the presidential election, April 10, many voters leaving for the weekend or on vacation (zone B begins its spring break on Friday evening 8) are organizing to give a power of attorney.

On social networks, the teams of candidates call on each and everyone to take steps to encourage participation. If you are absent on April 10, but want to express your voice at the polls, here are the steps to follow.

Who can vote for you? Registered on the electoral lists, you can give power of attorney to any person of your choice who is himself registered on these lists. This agent must not have other proxies. Small novelty, he no longer needs to reside in the same municipality as you. But on D-Day, he will have to go to your polling station to drop off the ballot on your behalf.

What are the steps to take? There are now two options. The most traditional is to complete the form at a police station, police station or court. The simplest, if you can, is to apply online at You will then just have to print the form and go in person to the gendarmerie, the police station or a court simply to validate it. To avoid the risk of fraud, the agents then check your identity.

What do I need? Online or on site, you must complete your marital status, fill in your voting commune and find out your voter number and that of your agent (this can be found on the voter card or can be found with the “Interroger your electoral situation”). If you do not know the voter number of your proxy, all you have to do is complete his marital status with date of birth and all his first names. “That’s how I discovered that the 4th first name of the girlfriend to whom I ask this service is Yvette”, chuckles the same Edith. You will also need to indicate which ballot the proxy should apply to and whether it concerns one or two rounds. On polling day, the proxy must go to your polling station with his identity card.

What is the deadline? In theory, you can make your proxy until the day of the vote. But it is better not to wait until the last moment, given the delivery times and consideration by the town hall. And above all, if the process is simple, it may require patience, because the longer you wait, the more you run the risk of there being a queue at the police stations.

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