Prevent bear damage to apiaries

by time news

2023-07-10 12:43:34

He Fund for the Protection of Wild Animals (FAPAS) is developing in the region of Liébana some days of practices with beekeepers to prevent damage from bears in the apiaries.

Areas of greater bone presence

This is a first day of work carried out by the NGO FAPAS, within the framework of a campaign that is being carried out with beekeepers from various regions of León and Cantabria in areas with a greater presence of bears, it has indicated in a press release.

“The vast majority” of the apiaries that are in bear areas “are not adequately protected” and the information that beekeepers have “is not adequate” to install protection systems that prevent damage.

The conservation entity has indicated that “the vast majority” of the apiaries that are in bear areas “are not adequately protected” and the information that beekeepers have in a large part of the territories where there are bears “is not adequate” to install systems protection to prevent damage.

As he pointed out, there is currently “great confusion” among beekeepers about the methods to be used to prevent bear damage to the hives, methods that “are not always carried out correctly” and that “do not prevent bears from accessing into the apiaries and destroy the hives”.

Damage Prevention

Likewise, FAPAS considers that campaigns to support beekeepers through the granting of subsidies to acquire electric shepherds “does not reach the desired effectiveness”, maintaining the “significant damage” that bears sometimes cause to beekeeping.

The prevention of damage by avoiding situations that put mountain beekeeping at risk “should be a priority line of work that is not being taken into account effectively”

In his opinion, preventing damage by avoiding situations that put mountain beekeeping at risk “should be a priority line of work that is not being effectively taken into account, directing support for beekeeping to the granting aid and compensation once the damage has already been caused”.

Anticipate damage by improving prevention systems

In this way, the campaign to support beekeepers carried out by FAPAS aims to anticipate damage by improving prevention systems, which is “already making it compatible in many areas” of the Cantabrian Mountains, he has assured, the presence of bears with the development of beekeeping.

Anticipate damage by improving prevention systems

“The increase in the bear population in the Cantabrian Mountains is also more evident due to the claims of the damage that these animals cause to beekeeping. Learning to adequately protect apiaries is key to avoiding them”, he has sentenced.

#Prevent #bear #damage #apiaries

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