prevent before birth ‘Night blindness’ because there is currently no cure.

by time news

Night blindness is a condition where night blindness is a problem seeing in the dark, a condition that can affect everyday life, for example, it may make driving at night difficult to see the way and can be dangerous should be avoided to prevent accidents

best self care That is when there is a problem with vision. should see an ophthalmologist to diagnose the cause and treat early Because vision problems can occur for a variety of reasons. and may have complicating diseases Most of which are diseases that can be treated if you see a doctor from the beginning with symptoms such as myopia, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy. including night blindness or seeing in the dark The best self-care is to follow a doctor. The nurse advises that it is always correct and complete. See the doctor according to the appointment. And hurry to see a doctor before the appointment when there are abnormal symptoms.

night blindnessor problems seeing in the dark, dim light. Patients will find it difficult to perform routine tasks in dark or dim light. Or it takes time to adjust to being in the dark for longer than usual. Characteristics of people with night blindness Will have difficulty seeing in dimly lit places or with low light It usually occurs when the eyesight needs to be adjusted from a very bright place. Go to a dimly lit place, such as walking from the outside into a building, watching a movie, or Driving at night with uneven lighting Night blindness is an important symptom of a disease that can increase the risk of driving at night. should be avoided to prevent accidents

Night blindness is not a disease, but a condition of blurry vision in dim light. or at night Found in many diseases of the retina, that is, in normal people within the retinahave vision-sensing cells 2 types of photoreceptor cells is 1.Rod (rod-shaped cells) Rods are scattered throughout, but in large amounts on the peripheral retina, mainly responsible for dim light vision and 2.Cone (cone-shaped cells) Concentrated in the central retina, especially called the macula, serves to see in the center and in bright light.

If there is an abnormality of the medial part of the retina Especially in the area of ​​clear image decreased clarity in conjunction with seeing the color change But if there is an abnormality of the retina around the edges with destruction or loss of duty or having Rod’s death cause his eyes to dim at night or in dim light, known as “Night Blindness

Loss of function or Rod’s death can be found in many diseases, such as vitamin-A deficiency. A vitamin that contributes to vision. Zinc deficiency. Vitamin A needs to work together with zinc, so it is important to consume enough zinc. Which can be obtained from eating nuts, beef or poultry Eye problems such as myopia, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy Or there may be an abnormality in the retina. Genetic predisposition, such as retinitis pigmentosa, which cannot be cured. or taking certain medications, such as certain glaucoma medications, that cause the pupil to shrink Drugs in the group of cholinergic agents or very nearsightedness May be corrected by using corrective lenses.

Night blindness in the early stagesThere will be a loss of the peripheral field of vision. and when the disease is more severe The central visual field begins to lose until it becomes very narrow. And there will be a loss of adaptive ability to see in the dark.

night blindness

prevent before birth ‘Night blindness’ because there is currently no cure.

Method of treatmentA special tool is used to confirm the standard diagnosis, electroretinography (ERG), which reveals a reduction or loss of amplitude of both the rod and cone cell waveforms. still enough to be able to see

At present, there is no way to cure it. An ophthalmologist can advise on the inheritance of the disease and palliative treatment or referral to a low vision specialist in order to make the most of the remaining vision. and retinal implant surgery will be able to provide a level of vision sufficient to be able to help themselves, so should be monitored regularly with an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of eyesight regularly

Preventing night blindness Some causes can be prevented. such as vitamin-A deficiency By eating 5 food groups in every meal, such as cod liver oil, organ meats, egg yolks, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, or high in omega-3 fatty acids such as deep sea fish, flax seeds, walnuts, corn oil. Soybean oil, rice bran oil, but some causes such as heredity It’s a disease that can’t be prevented. But seeing an ophthalmologist early Your doctor will have treatments that may help slow down the progression of macular degeneration. Seeing an ophthalmologist can also help diagnose concomitant diseases that cause decreased vision. and concurrent treatment, such as cataracts, which can also be found in patients with RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa), etc.

Information: Department of Medical Services by Metta Hospital
Image: Pexels

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