Prevent problems: comply with the Hepatitis B protection directive!

by time news

Acknowledge the risks

From his role as a quality consultant, Bouman has been visiting dental practices and other healthcare providers for more than 12 years. He notes that the titer values ​​of employees are often below the set standard. “I come across it regularly and that is a great shame. Many practice owners seem unaware of the risks that they walk.”

“As the owner, you are responsible and accountable for your employees and your patients. They must have a safe working environment. You also run a financial risk. If an employee becomes infected, he or she is in many cases no longer allowed to work with patients and instruments. The practice owner is responsible at that time. If it turns out that the protection was insufficient and you could have known this, you are liable and you continue to pay for the employee.”

Provide proof

To avoid having to deal with this kind of situation, you must have the necessary forms ready. “The inspection is very strict on the guideline of HBsAg > 100 IU/L and also enforces it. They can just come in and ask for the titer values ​​of you and your staff. For example, I once experienced that an assistant was removed from behind the chair by the inspector on the spot and was put on non-active status.”

NOTE: If staff members not respond to the vaccination (non-responders) or no vaccine due to religious beliefs want receive, they are obliged to be tested every three months for a possible Hepatitis B infection.

Good to know

The fact that this is not well organized everywhere may have to do with a trend in recent years as a result of the shortage of dentists. “One of the factors that really plays a role at the moment is the increase in dentists and assistants from abroad. The required titer values ​​can sometimes differ from ours. If they want to work in the Netherlands, they will have to get their titer above 100. Practitioners should pay close attention to this when hiring foreign staff.”

Bouman therefore has clear advice for all practice holders. “The guideline is clear. Prevent unnecessary problems and make sure that you have proof from every employee that they have sufficient protected to be. Check your current personnel file and make sure it is in order. Then make it a habit to request this from every new employee.”

More information

The KNMT offers members useful information about the vaccinatiestatus hepatitis B one over the vaccination course.

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