Prevent skin irritation due to involuntary loss of urine

by time news

Over the age of 30, 1 in 4 women suffer from involuntary loss of urine. But incontinence is not a typical female problem, it can also play a role in men. In the Netherlands, more than 300,000 men have to deal with it. In the longer term, skin irritation can occur. We list what you can do about it.

Skin irritation from urine leakage

At a later age, the skin becomes thinner and the natural barrier function decreases. This makes the skin more susceptible to external substances, such as urine. Urine is quite an aggressive liquid for the skin. Ammonia, or uric acid, eventually irritates and eventually damages the skin. This gives bacteria and fungi the opportunity to settle between the layers of the skin. The longer and more often the skin comes into contact with uric acid, the more the complaints worsen. You may then have to deal with itching, redness or even an infection.

The right incontinence products can prevent skin irritation caused by urine leakage

Sometimes people do not dare to contact the doctor out of shame and solve the urine loss themselves with several layers of underwear, sanitary napkins and the like. However, to collect urine, it is important that you use means that are specifically intended for this purpose. Panty liners and sanitary napkins are not sufficient, because they are intended to absorb blood and not urine. As a result, your skin comes into contact with urine more than it needs to. Solid incontinence material prevents odors, leaks and usually also skin irritation. Because it often contains absorbent granules, the urine is retained more effectively. It is also important to replace the resources often enough, for even better hygiene.

Reduce incontinence problems

If you have not yet discussed your complaints with your doctor, it may be worthwhile to do so. Sometimes there is something you can do about it. For example, you can be referred to do pelvic floor exercises or a urologist can prescribe medication or perform surgery.

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Adjust eating and drinking patterns

To prevent urine loss, people sometimes drink as little as possible. However, this is not only unhealthy, but can even backfire. Because the bladder can become irritated and the complaints worsen. The concentration of waste products in the urine then increases and highly concentrated urine can cause an overactive bladder and urge incontinence. It can help to adjust the eating and drinking pattern. By refraining from strongly spiced food and drinking less alcohol and coffee.


Some more exercise, such as walking, gives relaxation and, if necessary, it also helps to combat obesity. Stress and excess weight can make urinary symptoms worse.

Reduce and prevent skin irritation

You can also do a few things to relax your skin and prevent further skin irritation. Washing the skin more regularly does not make the problem less. Washing the skin with soap can actually make the problems worse. So do not wash the skin too often and do not use soap, but a mild detergent. It is important to dry the skin well, but do not rub it, but gently pat the skin dry. With a specially intended cream, the skin can heal better. Finally, use a detergent without perfume to wash your underwear.

(Source: UMC Utrecht, Margriet, Tena, Abena. Photo: Shutterstock)

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