Preventing Dementia: Tips for Maintaining Mental Health and Cognitive Abilities

by time news

2023-10-01 16:45:00
New Tips for Preventing Dementia: Experts Share Insights

Dementia, a disease characterized by the deterioration of mental abilities, affects a large number of people worldwide. With up to 90 percent of cases being irreversible, the importance of preventative measures cannot be overstated. To help combat this insidious disease, experts have compiled a list of tips that can potentially prevent or delay the onset of dementia.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, dementia goes beyond being solely a memory disorder. It also impairs attention, language, comprehension, thinking skills, and orientation. The causes of dementia are diverse, with factors such as metabolic diseases and poor blood supply to the brain playing a role. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease accounts for about 65 percent of irreversible forms of dementia.

Recognizing the early warning signs of dementia is crucial for early intervention. These signs include forgetfulness, difficulty with daily activities, speech disorders, waning interest in hobbies, and misjudgment of dangers. Early diagnosis can greatly improve the prognosis for individuals with dementia.

According to neurologist and geriatrician Johannes Trabert, taking precautions from the age of 30 can help reduce the risk of forgetfulness in old age. Regular physical and mental exercise, such as endurance sports and dancing, have been shown to have a positive impact on brain health and memory functions. Additionally, a well-balanced diet, particularly the Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables and olive oil, can also contribute to maintaining a healthy memory.

Social isolation and loneliness have also been linked to forgetfulness. To combat this, Trabert recommends seeking volunteer work or maintaining a network of social contacts throughout life. These activities not only improve brain performance but also boost mood and overall well-being.

In addition to exercise, nutrition, and social connections, managing stress and getting enough quality sleep are also important preventative measures. Sleep, in particular, helps dispose of harmful metabolic products that can contribute to dementia.

In summary, experts suggest four key preventative measures: physical and mental exercise, a healthy diet, social connections, and adequate sleep. These measures can be easily integrated into everyday life, making it possible to take proactive steps in preventing dementia.

Finally, experts emphasize the importance of cultivating gratitude and focusing on the positive aspects of life. Research has indicated that a healthy soul plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy brain.

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