Preventing Tick-Borne TBE Virus: Tips for Avoiding Ticks and Taking Action

by time news

2023-06-20 15:14:15

In several European countries, the tick-borne TBE virus, which can cause encephalitis and in rare cases can be fatal, is becoming more common.

But while the infection can be serious, you have to be extremely unlucky to get sick from a tick bite with the TBE virus. And the number of infected people is still low.

TBE virus ticks are only found in small, confined areas such as a pasture or clearing, while Lyme disease ticks are much more widespread.

This says René Bødker, senior researcher at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.

However, if you are unlucky enough to be bitten by a tick with TBE, the virus resides in the tick’s salivary glands and is therefore immediately transmitted when the tick bites.

In addition, unlike Lyme disease, TBE cannot be treated with penicillin.

Therefore, a tick with TBE should be removed as soon as possible.

‘This is different from Lyme disease, where the tick usually has to stay on for almost 24 hours before the bacteria are transmitted. The Borrelia bacteria in the tick’s stomach don’t multiply until the tick sucks blood,” he says.

According to René Bødker, you should in any case prevent viruses or bacteria from entering the central nervous system, where they can lead to serious illnesses.

Read below how best to avoid ticks – and what to do once they get you.

1. Watch where you are going

Ticks like moist areas with grass, plants, brush and open woods with deer.

If possible, stay on the paths in the forest – this greatly reduces the risk of being bitten.

Make sure the ticks can’t easily get to your skin. Wear long pants and long sleeves when you’re in a high-risk area, and tuck your pant legs into your socks or put on boots.

Change when you get home, as ticks can hide in your clothes.

There is no treatment for TBE, but there is a vaccine.

If you spend a lot of time in nature reserves and are over 50 years old, you should consider getting vaccinated.

4. If the damage has occurred

If you are bitten, it is important to remove the tick immediately – preferably with fine tweezers.

Grab the tick by the head as far as you can without breaking it and twist it around a few times. Then pull it slowly and firmly until it releases. Don’t do this too wildly and avoid squeezing the tick’s body.

If you get a red rash that spreads from the bite site, call your doctor.

The rash usually appears 1-2 weeks after being bitten by the tick, but can occur up to 30 days after the bite.

#Tickborne #virus #threatens #illness #protect

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