Preventing Work-Related Diseases: Warning Signs and Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance

by time news

2023-09-12 10:29:00
Working Hard Until Death: The Struggle for Work-Life Balance

In today’s society, the pursuit of financial security has driven individuals to work harder than ever before. However, this intense focus on work has resulted in a lack of work-life balance, leading to various health issues and risks.

A recent study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization has revealed that individuals who work more than 54 hours per week are at a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke. These alarming findings highlight the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being despite the pressures to work harder.

In response to this concerning trend, ‘Krungthep Turakij’ has compiled a list of warning signs that indicate a problem with work-life balance and excessive workload. These signs include difficulties in concentration, mood swings, isolation, increased guilt regarding unfinished work, frequent illnesses, neglecting self-care, irregular sleeping patterns, changes in eating habits, lack of exercise, and strained relationships.

The risks associated with overworking cannot be understated. Prolonged stress and exhaustion can lead to various health conditions such as ‘Karoshi Syndrome,’ a term used to describe death resulting from overwork. Although not everyone may reach this extreme point, it is crucial to pay attention to the subtle signs that impact work performance and personal well-being.

Office Syndrome, a common condition among sedentary office workers, can arise from prolonged periods of sitting and working in front of a computer screen. This can cause muscle tightness, inflammation, headaches, and eye problems. Additionally, acid reflux, which is often a result of irregular eating habits and increased stress, can lead to digestive issues.

The consequences of overworking extend beyond physical health. Mental health conditions such as depression can also arise from excessive work-related stress. Work has been identified as a prominent cause of stress, particularly during the work-from-home era. It is crucial for individuals to address their mental well-being and seek support if needed.

As the prevalence of chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cystitis continue to rise, it is clear that a balanced approach to work and personal life is necessary. It is essential to prioritize regular health check-ups, practice stress-management techniques, and engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

A ‘good leader’ should not expect their subordinates to work as hard as they do, as this perpetuates an unhealthy work culture. It is vital for organizations to recognize the importance of work-life balance and implement strategies to support their employees’ well-being.

In conclusion, the idea of working hard until death is an exaggeration that fails to acknowledge the detrimental impact of excessive workloads on physical and mental health. Finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial to prevent health issues and nurture overall well-being. It is time for individuals and organizations alike to prioritize work-life balance for a healthier and more sustainable future.]
#Light #light #Working #hard #risks #diseases..even #death

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