Prevention measures against the most frequent types of cancer

by time news

2023-08-03 09:13:31

They may be “seemingly simple” but they are “inescapable” for cancer prevention. There are ten measures to try to reduce the risk of developing the most frequent tumors in Spain, which have been shared by the experts of the Digitization and Management of Personalized Medicine in Cancer (DIPCAN) project.

The principal investigator of the DIPCAN study and head of clinical research at the MD Anderson Cancer Center Spain Foundation, big henryhighlights the importance of these measures to make the population aware of the importance of cancer prevention and leading a healthy lifestyle.

And it is that following these tips can make, according to Grande, “a big difference in reducing the risk of developing tumors” and they are “the basis for safeguarding our health.”

In Spain, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), cancer is the second leading cause of death. And the most frequent tumors are those of the prostate, breast, lung and bladder.

Infographic taken from SEOM’s “Cancer Figures 2023” Report.

Preventive measures shared by DIPCAN experts

There are ten measures that include maintaining a healthy diet, weight control, regular physical activity and avoiding tobacco use, among others:

A healthy diet: A balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low in saturated fat, can help reduce the risk of different types of tumors, such as colon and breast tumors.

Control the weight: Being overweight and obese are linked to an increased risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast, colon, kidney, and pancreatic. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight “is essential.”

Physical activity: Regular physical exercise contributes to maintaining an adequate weight, but also to reducing the probability of developing colon, breast and endometrial cancer. The advice is moderate activity of at least 30 minutes, most days of the week.

No to tobacco: Smoking is an important risk factor for several types of tumors: lung, mouth, esophagus, and bladder. In addition, tobacco smoke contains toxic and carcinogenic substances that can damage cell DNA, increasing the likelihood of developing cancer cells. Miguel Ángel Climent.EFE/ Biel Aliño

Limit alcohol consumption: Excessive consumption is related to cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, liver, breast and colon. For this reason, another of the prevention measures against cancer indicated by the DIPCAN experts is to moderate the intake of alcohol and, in the case of women, not to exceed one drink a day.

Protect yourself from the sun: Excessive exposure without protection can increase the chances of developing skin cancer. In addition to using sunscreen, you must avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hours of greatest intensity and choose to wear protective clothing, hats or caps.

Periodic medical reviews: The experts are also blunt on this point. It is “essential” to attend regular medical check-ups and undergo the recommended early detection tests for your age and gender.

Getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV): This is a “crucial” preventive measure, since this virus is linked to oncological diseases such as cervical cancer and other tumors.
With the vaccine, infection with certain strains of HPV that are responsible for most HPV-related cancers can be prevented. EFE/Lavandeira jr.

Avoid exposure to carcinogenic substances: Take precautions both in the work environment and at home to avoid exposure to carcinogenic substances.
Reducing contact with elements such as asbestos, harsh cleaning chemicals, and pesticides is another cancer prevention measure.

Maintaining a “generally” healthy lifestyle: All of the above measures can help reduce the risk of developing tumors.

The importance of awareness and from an early age

“Remember that small changes can make a difference,” says Grande, who emphasizes that these prevention measures may seem “apparently simple but they are unavoidable in the fight against cancer.”

In this sense, He is also a medical oncologist from the MD Anderson Spain Foundation, Fabio Franco, point to EFEsalud that the awareness of the population about prevention “is fundamental” to reduce the incidence of cancer.

To achieve this, Franco believes it is necessary to disseminate medical information in an accessible manner and use mechanisms that reach the general population. He also campaigns to raise awareness among populations at risk and works with them from an early age to promote healthy lifestyles.

The DIPCAN project

Regarding the DIPCAN project, of which Franco is also a part, he explains the objectives to EFEsalud. It is about developing a personalized medicine through the integration of clinical, genomic data and radiological images to obtain a multidimensional knowledge of the cancer of the population in Spain.

Oncologist Fabio Franco. Courtesy photo.

Specifically, we are talking about a clinical research initiative “which aims to integrate different aspects of the oncological diagnostic process to obtain a deeper knowledge of the disease and thus personalize treatments on an individual basis.”

Likewise, the study “seeks to understand the clinical and molecular characteristics of different types of solid tumors in the population.”

To do this, explains the expert, clinical, radiological, pathological anatomy and molecular data are integrated through the use of artificial intelligence systems to develop optimized diagnostic algorithms for each type of tumor.

“Although it is true that it would also be interesting to have all this information for patients with localized disease, the study is mainly aimed at patients with metastatic solid tumors, since this population has greater requirements for medical information for the selection of treatments and oncological management approaches. ”, clarifies Franco.

The DIPCAN project has the collaboration of seven entities specialized in different areas of knowledge.

Financed with European funds, it hopes to reach 2,000 patients

According to the expert, health professionals can refer patients to the DIPCAN project, both from public and private health.

“The reason behind this is because the project is funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU, which makes it possible to offer the necessary care and tests to patients free of charge, regardless of the type of health service they receive,” he adds.

The only thing that patients have to do to participate in the study is to register through the web estudiodipcan.comeither due to personal motivation – wanting to have more information about your own disease – or by recommendation of your treating physician – who would be interested in having a more detailed knowledge of the tumor.

And the goal is to reach 2,000 patients by 2024. Up to now, “around 400 patients have been helped,” says the oncologist.

This means that these nearly 400 patients have already been evaluated in consultations and the studies are underway, or the results have already been provided.

To reach 2,000 patients, the expert considers it “fundamental that we continue to give visibility to this project to offer the possibility to more metastatic patients to have a deeper understanding of their disease.”

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