PRI Edomex loses due to errors and internal differences, says Riva Palacio

by time news

2023-06-05 14:00:00

In the elections in the State of Mexico, considered “the jewel in the crown” of these elections, the AT did not compete united, asserts the journalist Raymond River Palacea situation that led him to a “monumental defeat.”

In addition, the results in Edomex, adds the also political analyst, will put the Va por México alliance in a dilemma, at least on the part of the PAN, party that will have to evaluate if it continues with the PRI or decides to “remove the ballast”.

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“The PAN will have to evaluate whether to maintain the league with the PRI or if it takes yesterday’s result to remove the ballast from a brand that smells rotten, as its candidate Alejandra del Moral saw in her tours of the state”shares in his most recent article.


In the coming days, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, national leader of the PRI, will face criticism for the failure in the State of Mexico. But, according to Riva Palacio, he has arguments to justify the poor performance:

“Del Moral’s appointment and campaign was not in his hands, but in those of Governor Alfredo del Mazo… Del Mazo imposed Del Moral, who was his secretary of Social Development, over Moreno’s candidate, deputy Ana Lilia Herrera”, the journalist refers.

Despite the fact that Del Moral was imposed by Del Mazo, even in the face of the refusal of the PAN, the party with which they were in alliance, the governor was absent throughout the campaignand this −says Riva Palacio− “It corresponded to what happened behind the scenes, such as having broken agreements, such as the resources to complete the PRI representation in all the polling places, which was the last of the problems.”

Another of the mistakes made in the PRI by Del Mazo was having appointed the consultant Roberto Trad and his Secretary of Government, Alejandro Ozuna, as strategist and campaign coordinator for Alejandra Del Moral, respectively.

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“Ozuna was a continuous problem and he clashed permanently with Eric Sevilla, the president of the Mexican PRI, which generated a noise that they could not silence within the campaign”, Add. AND to this was added the interlocution as mediator of Héctor Astudillo, former governor of Guerrero.

That conflict, according to Riva Palacio, caused the two million votes that the PRI in Edomex believed it had secured not to materialize.

Del Mazo’s discreet role in the PRI campaign, unlike his predecessors, was the subject of rumors, such as that he supposedly agreed to hand over the governor to Morena in exchange for impunity.

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The differences between Del Mazo and Moreno was another of the conflicts that the PRI suffered insideto which errors were added by the candidate of the alliance Va por el Estado de México.

Some of those errors, according to Riva Palacio, were tactical, others strategic. For example, that Del Moral has preferred to stay at home with his children on weekends and not dedicate them to the campaign.

Another mistake by Del Moral it was “having assured before several witnesses that, once she won the election, she was going to crush the president of the PRI and become the new leader of the party”.

All these conflicts diverted the PRI from its objective in Edomex to achieve “violate the armor of López Obrador” and they also had to have a “credible candidacy that appeals to voters next year.”

The PRI needs time, Riva Palacio is certain, “to assimilate that it lost for the first time the governorship they had held since 1929 and the PAN to decide if they face up to Moreno’s blackmail and remove that ballast.”

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