Price Hikes by Food Companies During War Situation: The Reactions and Consequences

by time news

2024-01-31 22:24:53

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After a number of food companies announced price hikes, while completely ignoring the war situation, the largest online store in the ultra-orthodox sector clarified: “This is a scandal that should not be allowed to happen.”

Exorbitant exploitation, without explanation: As we reported yesterday, a number of food companies announced in recent days about price hikes, among other things, for basic products. Liquor, which is actually taking place these days when hundreds of thousands of citizens are serving in the reserves while abandoning their businesses and while Israel is in a state of war, there is no explanation other than the scandalous exploitation of the situation.

Economy and consumerism expert Shahar Wolf called yesterday to share the information and thus stop the obvious high-rise. “It is not possible for companies to take advantage of the situation and announce price hikes, when the inputs have not become more expensive and while the changes in the interest rate and the dollar do not justify the hike, and vice versa.” However, at the moment it does not seem that the food companies will announce a withdrawal of their intention, and according to the information we receive from the food chains, it seems that the fruits of the Haikor, which will affect the shopping basket of all of us, will be felt in the coming days. “We are facing a tsunami of demand,” they say in the food sector.

At the leading online store in the ultra-Orthodox sector, ‘Mehadrin Online’, they confirm the news of the apparent high-risk and there they tell ‘Ashdods’ that this is excessive exploitation. “Indeed, there is no explanation for the price,” they say in ‘Mehadrin Online’, where they make it clear to us that “some of the companies have updated their price lists and the products have become more expensive, and this when there is no justified reason for this.”

The online store clarifies that “we will do our best to prevent a situation where a price increase will be passed on to consumers, although it is clear that we cannot stop the price increase of products that have already become more expensive. At the same time, it is important to know that consumers have power. We highly recommend purchasing products from companies that have not announced a price increase , even if it is about brands that for some reason are considered less. In this way, the public will have its say and the expected wave of popularity will be canceled or at least moderated.”

In ‘Mehadrin Online’, which operates in the large ultra-Orthodox concentrations of Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Beitar, Elad and recently also in Ashdod, they reveal that “the ultra-Orthodox consumer knows how to recognize an increase in price, and if this is made public, we will see an abandonment of reputable brands if they have become more expensive, and we will see more purchases of brands that may are seen as less regarded, but their quality is similar even though their prices are lower. We are sure,” they added, “that if the public does have its say, along with the curbing efforts of the food chains and stores, we will be able to curb the appetite of the large food companies and they will avoid price increases that have no justification”.

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