“Prime Macron”: more than 4 billion euros paid

by time news

Posted 23 Feb. 2023 at 17:55Updated Feb 23. 2023 at 06:49 PM

The principle of the “Macron bonus” continues to appeal. More than 5.5 million employees have benefited from a value-sharing bonus (PPV) for a total amount of nearly 4.4 billion euros, Urssaf announced on Thursday.

“We are right to say that it is a great tool”, defends Eric Chevée, representative of the Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CPME), while the bonus divided unions and employers in the context of recent negotiations on the sharing value .

The PPV replaced this summer the exceptional purchasing power bonus (Pepa) better known as the “Macron bonus”, born during the “yellow vests” crisis. The PPV can reach 3,000 euros or even 6,000 euros in certain cases (signature of a profit-sharing agreement, payment to certain disabled workers).

It is exempt from contributions and contributions for employers, and exempt from income tax, employee contributions and CGS and CRDS for beneficiaries.

789 euros paid on average

The average amount per employee was 789 euros, according to Urssaf data, which does not concern the agricultural sector. More than a quarter of beneficiary employees received 1,000 euros or more when 40% received less than 500 euros.

Furthermore, some 24% of the amounts of premiums paid in the private sector were paid by companies with less than 10 employees. The premium was on average higher in these companies, at just over 1,000 euros, compared to 739 euros in companies with 2,000 or more employees.

The average amount paid is heterogeneous according to the sectors. Those “whose activity is largely based on low-wage labor, such as social action and medico-social accommodation and temporary work, have a significantly lower average amount paid” , notes the Urssaf. Around 450 euros.

At the heart of debates between the social partners

The premium was at the heart of the debates between the social partners on the sharing of value. Employers defend this tool and would have liked it to continue to be advantageous for all companies beyond the end of 2023. The unions fear that the bonus will replace wages.

In the agreement on the sharing of value, which the social partners have just found and which the government has promised to transcribe faithfully, the bonus is one of the tools mentioned. It is notably part of the list of value sharing mechanisms in which profitable companies between 11 and 49 employees will have to draw to better distribute the wealth created.

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